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Cherry and the DeAmicis: Astrological Tips

As astrologically uneventful as February was, March wants all the attention, and it’s filled with events. A Total Lunar Eclipse on the 13th, then a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 29th. The two weeks between will be emotionally complex and potentially difficult. Check where they fall in your chart. Also, Mercury and Venus turn Retrograde (Rx), so personal issues and communication may be a bit frustrating. Days near the Eclipses are packed with complex Aspects.

3/1 – Venus turns Rx at 10 degrees Aries amid a collection of pleasant Lunar Aspects. When Venus backs up, it can be pleasant as we take more time for self-care. It backs into Pisces on the 27th but those with Sun in Aries will feel special most of the month. Venus Conjunctions are pleasant, the only problem is they don’t last long enough! 

3/3 – A slow moving Mercury enters Aries, so wherever this is in your chart, expect some delays. The Fire Signs will feel it most personally.

3/4 – This is the first of two White Circle Days. On the 4th the Sun in Pisces Sextile Moon in Taurus plus a number of nice social aspects, is great for engaging others, especially for Earth and Water Signs. 

3/5 – This is a very social day thanks to the Gemini Moon and the lineup of supportive Lunar Aspects above the Date.

3/12 – When Saturn Conjuncts the Sun, it suppresses Solar energy, so overall energy levels may seem low.

3/13 – The Total Lunar Eclipse is at 23 degrees Virgo/Pisces and Saturn Conjuncts the Sun in the Sign that heralds Spring. Be careful with your thoughts and focus on being optimistic because some people may be losing hope or filled with worry. Get together with people you care about and herd them into the future. Mars in Cancer Trine the Sun, and Sextile the Moon, shows that a good walk, cooking and fun household projects will make all the difference in your mood. For the next two weeks, people will feel emotionally tense so be gentle and kind.

3/14 – Mercury turns Rx at 9 degrees Aries, so both Mercury and Venus are backpedaling in Aries. Mercury will back into Pisces on the 29th before turning Direct on April 7th and getting back on track. 

3/16 – A Void Of Course all day in Libra requires a good list to get anything done and not wander off course.

3/19 – The Sun Conjunct Neptune and Trine the Moon is a great time to move projects along, especially with people at a distance. In other words, do the meeting online.

3/20 – Welcome to Spring! The first day of Aries sees the Sun joining Venus. There may be lingering worries, thanks to the Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini, but a youthful optimism is welling up. Aries, begin counting down to your Solar Return!

3/22 – With the Sun Conjunct Venus in Aries and Square the Moon, be careful about being too self-centered and watch out for the narcissists in your life trying to take over your agenda. 

PS – If you are following along with your Planetary Calendar and you want to know more about the new gray box days, you can get more information about them and a whole lot more on our popular YouTube channel:

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