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‘Rush’ to high school

Summer vacation? It was fun while it lasted. For students at Sonoma Valley High School, it’s time to get ready for the new school year.

Rush, the day for parents and students to complete their paperwork, pay fees and pick up class schedules, is Saturday, August 7 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the school pavilion area.

This year’s grade-level packets may be picked up now through August 6, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., from outside the Attendance Window. When the completed forms and emergency card are completed, the class schedule will be released. Students must be cleared of all fees, equipment and books from last year.

Parent donations include: SVHS Technology, $22, for computer and related costs; Student Services/Programs, $65, for student body card (required) which is good for free admission to home games and discounts to dances/plays; Library Materials, $3; and P.E. Clothing, $20 for mandatory t-shirt/shorts combo, other items optional.

At Rush, information will be available about joining sports teams, the Booster Club, Script, Grad Night and other school clubs. Free school calendars and student planners will be distributed as well.

Call 933-4016 or 933-4009 for more information