Somewhere beneath hundreds of plastic bags (the arch nemesis of recyclers everywhere) is Wendy Atkins in her guise as Bagzilla. Sonoma’s associate planner and stormwater coordinator portrayed the character at the city’s “Recycle Sonoma” event, which promoted going Green by minimizing waste and conserving water.
A range of experts was on hand at the Sonoma Community Center for the March 26 open house.
“We believe our partnership with the city helps the community get the best information in a lively, informal format,” said SCC Director Kathy Swett. “ Wendy Atkins did a great job as organizer, and was both hilarious and effective as Bagzilla. Special thanks to all those who worked to make it fun and informative including Public Works Director Milenka Bates, Kathy Toohey, Paul Copeland and Community Services and Environment Commissioner Melinda Kelley.
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