Editor: Representative Ron Paul has introduced Bill HR 1830 in Congress to remove a federal ban on raw milk because last year, with guns drawn, police officers blazed into a food club in Venice, California, a dairy in Missouri, and other locations, to protect Americans from raw milk with threats of up to a year imprisonment and/or $10,000 fines.
Who is next? Will the police raid farms that don’t use pesticides, and ranches that sell pastured meat?
In the old days, when raw milk was all there was, breweries and distilleries in New York City “solved” the problem of tons of mash by feeding it to cows in dairies built next door. This “swill milk” was so harmful to human health that it led to compulsory pasteurization. “Cows who subsisted on this rotten mixture lost their teeth, developed skin ulcers, running sores, and rotted tails that fell off. Dairy cows frequently carried bovine tuberculosis, which could infect humans who drank their milk.” www.metafilter.com/95750/Udderless-Brooklyn
Regular raw milk from healthy cows in the countryside was forced to follow suit.
Want to know more? Check out the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, join the Sonoma Valley Grange, and learn about ancient nutrition around the world at the Weston Price Foundation site.
I buy local raw milk for my granddaughter because it’s better http://nutrismith.com/milk.htm but the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) thinks they know better. My tax dollars should not block my well-researched decision. Wise up, CDFA!
Lauren Ayers
Got raw milk?
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back in the day.. (in the 70s, I guess..) Rombergs Raw milk was the milk that me and my friends drank.. locally grown and sold across from where Brocco’s Feed Barn now is.. no one ever got sick from it as far as I know… I also used to buy raw yoghurt from Alta Dena at the store.. never had any problems with it.. I truly believe that pasteurized and homogenized milk is not good for my system and would buy raw milk if it weren’t so ridiculously expensive.. back then it was affordable, not twice as much, if I recall correctly..