David Chambers, elected to the board of the Sonoma Valley Healthcare District board less than nine months ago, has resigned the post. The move, effective immediately, comes two years after Chambers was picked by the board to fill the seat vacated by Arnold Reibli.
“We have come to a point,” he said in a statement, “where I feel the board can better accomplish its goals with a different kind of input than I can provide.”
After Riebli’s surprise resignation in August of 2009, Chambers was one of several applicants for the job. Harvard class of 1965, Stanford University Ph.D., academic dean of University of Pacific Medical School, husband and father, Chambers said it was time to devote time to public service.
He was chosen, the board members summarized at the time, for his business-world experience and an aptitude for understanding complex systems.
Chambers steps down as the hospital begins its long-awaited reconstruction project.
“Wonderful changes have taken place during the past two years and I have been grateful to have been a part of that,” he said. “I confidently expect the people of Sonoma Valley will be even more proud of their hospital in the future.”
“What I will miss most is the people,” Chambers said. “Sonoma is a diverse community, but unquestionably one with an abundance of caring individuals.”
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