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Two great Saturday hikes

A walk in beautiful, pristine countryside? Take your pick of these Saturday (10/29) outings.

Montini Open Space Preserve
A fall outing to Sonoma’s scenic backdrop to explore its rich natural and cultural history. “This preserve feels bigger than it actually is, because it has a number of little meadows ringed by trees, creating unique ‘rooms’ that each have their own character,” said Caitlin Cornwall, the Sonoma Ecology Center biologist who will lead the trek. “It’s great to feel ensconced in these little wildland rooms and yet be able to look down right into Sonoma Valley.” Intermediate to advanced level hike. 9 a.m. to noon. Free. Reservations required by 5 p.m., Oct. 28. For more, contact Jessica Glatt at 996.0712 x 110.

Haywood Estate
A walk through the property originally named Los Chamizal, which in Spanish means “a thicket of hardwoods,” referring to the stands of native vegetation that dot the hills. The 180 secluded acres feature two ponds and velvet green hillsides strewn with boulders, reminders that quarried stone from this site was used to build the streets of San Francisco. The outing includes lunch and a glass of wine. Proceeds to benefit the Sonoma Overlook Trail. 9:30 a.m. to noon. $35. RSVP to

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