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Cops put drop on flasher suspect

The suspect in a series of indecent exposure incidents was arrested Monday when the police department got a tip after posting a surveillance photo online.

Richard Hudson, 59, was arrested at his Sonoma residence.

There were two incidents reported within a 24-hour period, starting with an unseemly display inside Safeway on Sept. 28. A female shopper told the manager that a man — in his sixties, gray hair, wearing shorts and a t-shirt – dropped his pants and exposed his genitals, then wandered off.

Minutes later, at about 8:20 p.m., a similar flashing occurred at Sonoma Market, when a man lurking outside the front door displayed his unwrapped package to a female employee. Police say a similar incident occurred at the Sonoma CVS store on Sept. 15.

Hudson’s arrest came after additional leads were developed from the grocery stores, as well as a response to releasing the surveillance photo.

Hudson was booked at the Sonoma County jail on one count of annoying/molesting a person under 18 years old and three counts of indecent exposure. The investigation is ongoing.

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