FISH has launched its new website as part of its effort to provide information to the community through improved technology. Now a bilingual website, FISH is providing quick and easy access to essential information designed to benefit both clients and community members.
FISH volunteer Linda Alwitt led the redesign team of Chuck Browne, Jo Yuen, Roger Heigel and Sandy Piotter. Linda and Sandy wrote and compiled the content and experimented with a new logo. Roger introduced Chuck Browne to the group and he set up the website with guidance from our friends at wildfireweb. Before being launched, Linda Hale joined the team to ensure that the Spanish translation were accurate.
A new logo was created by Jo, a local artist who watched her husband, Chuck, work on the website. Jo Yuen explained that she saw a couple of graphics that were being considered as the new logo and, a middle of the night inspiration, led her to create the new logo of a large fish from many small fish. According to Sandy Piotter, the logo embodies the true spirit of FISH – concerned valley residents working together to accomplish a much larger mission.
FISH volunteers are especially excited about the multifaceted website because there is a volunteer sign in that allows volunteers to access the monthly calendar and updates regarding resources and services.
Check us out on the web at and don’t miss out new logo and the rotating slideshow of our volunteers on the homepage. Explore the information under the “About Us” button, visit how valley residents can “Get Help” and end the tour on our “Get Involved” page where you may consider making a donation via Pay Pal.
Information and client services are available at 996-0111.