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Grant to expand recycled water pipeline

A plan to increase the use of recycled water south of Sonoma has received a $90,000 grant. The award from the North Bay Water Reuse Program will help fund construction of 700 feet of recycled water pipeline along McGill Road. The new line will connect to an existing pipeline near Leveroni Road and serve properties on the east side of Highway 12.

The NBWRP is a regional effort to offset potable water demand by promoting water reuse for agriculture, urban use and environmental protection. It is comprised of seven public utilities in Sonoma, Marin and Napa counties, including the Sonoma County Water Agency, and the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District,

NBWRP is funding six recycled water distribution projects, which when complete will provide 3,757 acre-feet of water (AFY) for irrigation in the North San Pablo Bay region. (An acre-foot of water is 325,851 gallons.) In addition to irrigation uses, the Napa-Sonoma Salt Marsh project will receive up to 1,700 AFY for habitat restoration.