The 1980 film “Caddyshack,” with Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield and Ted Knight, along with the most famous cameo ever by a chocolate bar, comes to the Gundlach Bundschu Winery for an outdoor screening on Saturday, August 3, at dusk. The fun begins at 7 p.m. with games, prizes, props and a costume contest. Food, from Gott’s Roadside truck, and wine for sale on site. $15 advance, $20 door.
1. The film was directed and co-written by Harold Ramis. Name four other of his films with Bill Murray.
2. The caddy Danny Noonan was played by Michael O’Keefe. He was nominated for an Oscar for what movie?
3. What was the name of the country club?
4. What was the name of Bill Murray’s character, the club’s groundskeeper?
5. How did he propose to eradicate the pesky gophers?
6. Carl describes caddying for what famous personage?
7. At the end of that round, as a little something for the effort, what is bestowed upon Carl?
8. Carl winning the Masters would be what?
9. What kind of candy bar was found floating in the pool?
10. Name Ted Knight’s character.
11. What was the nickname of his putter?
12. What is the name of his boat?
13. What soft drink does he offer Noonan?
14. Finish this line from Rodney Dangerfield (as Al Czervik): “The last time I saw a mouth like that…
15. And this one, to the Judge’s wife: “You must have been something…
16. When he passes gas, the quip is what?
17. What Journey tune pops up?
18. What advice does Ty (Chevy Chase) give Noonan?
19. When he hits his ball into Carl’s shack, where does the ball land?
20. Two wrongs don’t make a right, Ty says, but…
21. What is the character name of the flirtatious babe?
22. The bishop is having the round of his life until this happens?
23. Name the film’s theme song and artist.
24. The singer had two other big movie hits. Name them.
25. While Murray and Chase appeared in this 1980 film, two other SNL stars made their own comedy. Name it.
“CaddyShack” trivia answers below (highlight to see)
1.“Stripes,” “Ghostbusters 1 and ll” and “Groundhog Day”
2.“The Great Santini”
3. Bushwood Country Club
4. Carl Spackler
5. Explosives that look like squirrels and rabbits
6. The Dalai Lama
7. On his deathbed, he will receive total consciousness.
8. A Cinderella story
9. Baby Ruth
10. Judge Smails
11. Billy Baroo
12. The Flying WASP
13. A Fresca
14. “It had a hook in it.”
15 “… before electricity.”
16. “Did somebody step on a duck?”
17. “Any Way You Want It”
18. Be the ball
19. On a pizza
20. “… three rights make a left.”
21. Lacey Underall
22. He is struck by lightning
23. “I’m Alright” by Kenny Loggins
24. “Footloose” and, from “Top Gun, “ “Danger Zone”
25.“The Blues Brothers”