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Boosting student activities at Sonoma High

Veronica Brooks, co-president of the Sonoma Valley High School Boosters, starts another year of fundraising to support 40 student activity programs.

When parents register their students at Sonoma Valley High School this week, Veronica Brooks wants them to enrich their child’s experience in over 40 possible ways — by joining the Boosters Club.

“SVHS Boosters Club financially aids not only sports, but the whole range of other extracurricular clubs and activities as well,” said Brooks, who serves with Kathy Murphy as Booster co-presidents. “Over 85 percent of our students participate in these activities.”

The club relies on parent and community member donations to help fund music, drama, video, newspaper, forensics, yearbook, and a host of other programs.

“Our goal is 100 percent parent participation, at whatever level of donation parents can afford,” Brooks said. “We need to average $100 per high school family, but any and all amounts are much appreciated.”

To fund current programs, Boosters must raise nearly $200,000 every year. The $100 family average accounts for about two-thirds of that amount. The remainder is raised at Boosters fundraising events.

“At donation levels of $50 and above, Boosters receive a discount at athletic events and a credit toward the purchase of spirit wear, called Booster Bucks, as a token of our gratitude,” Brooks said “We have a few families who contribute up to $5,000, and we are deeply indebted to all for their support.”

Boosters Club also welcomes volunteer help, especially at its fundraising events. “Our volunteers contribute funding indirectly,” says Brooks, “and their efforts are vital, because Boosters even supports mundane but essential services like photocopying and calendars.”

Boosters Club volunteers will be signing up members at Rush on Friday, August 9. Parents and community members are also invited to attend Boosters board meetings on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the high school library.