The La Luz fundraiser Noche Out of Africa at Jack London Park was a big success. As Marcelo Defreitas greeted the capacity crowd, all dressed in safari gear and African prints, a vintage plane flew overhead. “Look!” he said. “I think it’s Robert Redford!”
It’s pretty rare for freshman members in the minority party in the House of Representatives to have their first bill passed. Add to this year’s short list of five Jared Huffman, who authored the bill expanding the California Coastal National Monument by 1,255 acres through the addition of Mendocino’s Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands. “I’m thrilled that the House has agreed to protect this jewel of the North Coast for future generations,” said Huffman. “This is a spectacular stretch of coastline,
Hey look: nothing about a new hotel or law prohibiting one! Lots of talk on the street, but let’s see those views in writing. Send yours to:
Is the county fair unfair? Critics say the 600 temporary workers hired for the 16-day run won’t be paid overtime, a first. The move saves $20,000. Meanwhile, says Stephen Gale, chair of the Sonoma County Democratic Party, fair VIPS eat and drink (and not corn dogs) at a hosted, private buffet. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” he says. “In this case, the lowest paid temporary workers are subsidizing a ‘free for some of the most affluent members of our community.”
Fresh from the police blotter, the case of a con man on the phone with a fake American name and a thick Indian accent. Apparently, even our phone scams are being outsourced overseas.