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‘Tis the season for healthy habits

In Sonoma, we eat drink and are merry all year long. Truly, this little City knows how to party. We also know how to appreciate good quality food and being healthy. I love running into people who share stories with me about their health routines and how they like to stay healthy. There is definitely a healthy living way of life here in Sonoma Valley and I am proud to be associated with such a health-conscious community. That in mind, here are a few holiday survival tips to help make it a little easier to stay on track this holiday season:

1) Plan your social calendar for the week and eat healthfully most of the week, reserving the alcohol and treats for parties only.

2) Schedule in exercise time DAILY. This will take discipline, but the extra indulgence will require the additional calorie burning activity.

3) Eat something healthy before you go to parties. If you go to a party starving you are committing muffintop suicide.

4) Be prepared with healthy foods and snacks, so you don’t find yourself eating from the holiday goodie tray at work, or the free samples at the store. Every little bite adds up and so do the pounds as a result!

5) Drink water, not sugar. Get rid of the sweetened drinks, especially the “diet” or “light” drinks that have fake sweeteners, they are toxic and make your body store fat anyway, but they also damage the neurological system. Also beware the coffee drinks that are loaded with syrups. If you have a habit of drinking these, I urge you to limit them to one per week, instead of one or two per day.

6) Find your spirit. That is what this season is all about, right? It’s not really about the food and drink anyway, it’s about loving kindness, giving, and supporting those in need. It’s about getting in touch with your spiritual being and giving thanks for the fact that we are here living this life.

To that end, this holiday season I am reminded that we live in a community of spiritual health, too. I am a true believer that real health involves caring for the mind, body, and spirit. And, once again, I believe Sonomans get it right. I am continually reminded of the quality of people we have in this great City of ours as I hear stories of giving and efforts of making this community a great place to live. This holiday season I urge each one of us to consider our spiritual health as we participate in holiday activities. Take time to serve, to make our community better. Take time to help someone in need. I also ask that you include in your New Year’s resolutions to keep giving throughout the year.

Spiritual health also involves connecting with something greater than you, a source deep within yourself that you can call upon for guidance and strength. This can be found through prayer, meditation and exercises in thoughtfulness. An important aspect of healthy living that can change lives when practiced daily. If you need guidance with this I suggest checking out “A Course in Miracles…”

I wish you all health in mind, body, AND spirit this season,

Heather Morgan

Check out my new blog!
Healthy tips for getting rid of your muffintop

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