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Poet hosts “jam” at coffee house

For award-winning poet and writer Juanita J. Martin, the term “UniverSoul” is more than a pun – it’s a philosophy. Martin is the host of “Poetry Jam: UniverSoul,” a monthly reading and performance series conducted at Springs-based Barking Dog Roasters. The next jam is Saturday, Nov. 1.
“This is a small, quaint little place and we get together, and it’s like, you come here, and you read your poetry, and you get really comfortable, and you don’t have to worry about people making comments about your work because it’s all open and free here. It’s like family,” explained Martin, who has made numerous appearances at poetry-themed events and whose work has appeared in anthologies. “You come, you have a good time, you get your coffee. There are all these different things you can have, and you’re sitting back, listening to poetry, writing poetry or whatever.”
Part of Martin’s mission is to foster a community of creativity that incorporates artists of many disciplines, including musicians and visual artists, with a yen to “jam” with other creative people. To that end, Martin invites poets to submit their work as part of an exhibit of printed poems to be displayed on the café walls.
“It’s a great place to network. People having something in common and getting together and sharing that with everybody, sharing a part of your soul – there’s not a feeling like it,“ said Martin, who also relishes the opportunity to help artists hone their craft. “I try to do more for the poets than just having a place to read. I want them to excel and go on to the next level. Maybe for some, it’s publishing. For others, it’s to get a sense of themselves while performing poetry. For others still, it’s just a comfortable place to come read, or it’s a place to listen.”
Poetry Jam: UniverSoul begins at 5 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 1, at Barking Dog Roasters, 18133 Hwy. 12, Sonoma. For more information, call Juanita J. Martin at 707.435.1807 or visit Submissions deadline for the poetry exhibit is also Nov. 1.