At its November 10 meeting, the Sonoma Valley Unified School District Superintendent and Board of Trustees showed courage and foresight, as well as a deep commitment to the health and well-being of Sonoma’s children, when they moved to phase out gasoline-powered leaf blowers on all campuses, by next month.
Their bold and prompt action is commendable. They reviewed information provided by City staff and the public, used an outside expert to review the material and conduct his own research, and listened carefully to the concerns of parents. They also consulted with Tony Albini, SVUSD Maintenance and Operations Manager, who has cheerfully embraced this change and will be retraining all of his staff.
Their decision regarding gas blowers also included the provision that electric or battery-powered blowers be used only when there was no other tool for the job, and with the same provisions about not using them when children are present or arriving within 30 minutes.
The Board made their decision after less than two months, by reviewing the evidence, consulting with other school districts and with maintenance staff, and meeting with parents. During that time, the use of blowers during the school day or when kids were present was halted, including no use within half an hour of students’ arrival.
Heartfelt thanks to Louann Carlomagno, Nicole Abate Ducarroz, Salvador Chavez, Britta Johnson, Gary DeSmet, and Dan Gustafson as well as Tony Albini and the maintenance staff.
Sarah Ford, Sonoma
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