Future Farmers of America members at Sonoma Valley High School may apply for scholarships from the HWY 12 Properties Scholarship Program. Now in its second year, the program will award either one scholarship for $3,000 or two scholarship — one for $2,000 and a second for $1,000 — to an FFA student or students who plan to pursue a degree in agriculture at a 2-year or 4-year college beginning in the fall.
Interested students will be required to complete a short essay discussing their thoughts about sustainable agriculture, their plans for college, what they plan to do after graduating college and how the scholarship will help them. Finalists will participate in a one-day field trip, and write a reflective two-page paper about their field trip experience and how what they saw relates to sustainability.
Applications are available through the school’s College & Career Center and must be returned to Lisa Conner by February 24. The scholarship recipient(s) will be announced in April and awarded on May 19. sonomavalleyhigh.org/collegeandcareer.html
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