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Death notices

Jean M. Bonetti, 84, of Sonoma, passed away February 18, 2016.

Jean Leon Cornet, 77, of Sonoma, passed away February 23, 2016.

Ronald John Guptill, 78, of Sonoma, passed away February 6, 2016.

Georgie Ann Hesse, 71, of Sonoma, passed away February 29, 2016.

Stuart Hill, 81, of Sonoma, passed away February 5, 2016.

David Edward Ingersoll, 76, of Sonoma, passed away February 15, 2016.

William Thom McInnes, 70, of Sonoma, passed away February 16, 2016.

Gary Thomas McKay, 74, of Sonoma, passed away February 12, 2016.

Michael Stephen Morris, 60, of Sonoma, passed away February 12, 2016.

James Anthony Sutton, 82, of Sonoma, passed away February 24, 2016.

Information provided by Duggan’s Mission Chapel.

The Sun publishes death notices free of charge, to include basic information provided by the funeral home of record. Requests for more complete obituaries will be accepted as paid advertisements. For more informationll 933-0101.




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