So you’ve turned 18 and just registered to vote?
Yes. I went to the Post Office, filled in the form and mailed it. That’s it.
How did that feel?
I guess I’m not a kid anymore. I registered to vote and registered with the military, too, the draft. At 18 you get responsibility put on your shoulders.
Has there been any discussion about voting in high school?
Sure. Seniors all take civics class. It helped to find out what you need to know — the history of government plus keeping up with the news. But it was only one semester.
Think you’ll work in a campaign this year?
Probably not. I don’t care enough yet to do that. But my mind may change. This is an important election, given the candidates. I registered as a member of a party, not as a “decline to state.”
Are you going to vote at the polls or use an absentee ballot?
I have the form for absentee voting; it’s guess it’s more convenient. But I have some research to do before the election. I don’t want to waste my vote. Every vote counts and I want to add my “two cents.”
How about your friends, how do they feel?
We discuss issues: LGBT, racism, economic inequality, world events, that sort of thing. The students here in Sonoma know a lot, but a lot of what we learn is learned on Facebook. Almost nobody I know reads a printed newspaper; in school we use them to make paper mache pinatas.
Yeah, I guess things have really changed. What’s your opinion of politics?
Politics in America is corrupted by money. Campaign donations by the wealthy is buying influence. Buying votes bends the rules, it makes me angry. I don’t have $20 million to donate. It sometimes makes me wonder if I actually matter.
Tell me about your senior project.
For my project I decided to join a political group trying to overturn Citizens United. I have to make a poster, prepare written materials and make an oral presentation. I have been volunteering, calling state senators and either leaving messages or actually having conversations. It’s fulfilling, and feels like maybe I am making a difference.
Think you’ll ever run for political office?
Who knows, maybe. Hey, I’m just getting started with baby steps.
Welcome to the real world.
Yeah, thanks.
–Interview by Larry Barnett
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