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On the Docket

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors
Tues., Feb. 24
8:30 a.m.

Supervisor’s Chambers, 575 Administration Drive, Room 102A, Santa Rosa
The supervisors will consider an appeal of a Planning Commission decision to deny the use of an infiltration gallery as an alternative water source at 500 Pearl Street in Cazadero.

Sonoma Valley Hospital Finance Committee
Tues., Feb. 24
5 p.m.

Schantz Conference Room, Sonoma Valley Hospital, 347 Andrieux Street
The finance committee will be reviewing January 2009 financial statements and hearing updates on physician recruitment through Prima, managed Medi-Cal contracts and Medi-Cal reimbursement. They will also look at the most recent cash flow projections and hear an update on the business plan.

Sonoma Valley Health Care District Board of Directors
Wed., Feb. 25
6 p.m.

City Council Chambers, 177 First Street West
The board of directors will discuss whether to give preference to Sonoma-based businesses when awarding contracts. The topic was raised by members of Sonoma City Council at the joint meeting between the two elected bodies earlier this month. The board will also look at establishing the philanthropy committee as a special committee and appointing Tina Wolfenden to the finance committee. They will also hear reports from the finance and strategic planning committees and the CEO.
The meeting will be covered live on SVTV 27.

Sonoma Valley Health Care District Board of Directors Special Meeting
Fri., Feb. 27
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Schantz Conference Room, Sonoma Valley Hospital, 347 Andrieux Street
The Sonoma Valley Hospital Board of Directors will be holding a special meeting on Friday to review the performance and salary of hospital CEO Carl Gerlach. The public can make comments at the start of the meeting. The rest of the meeting will be in closed session.