As part of its Earth Day celebrations, the City of Sonoma will be hosting a national conversation on Climate Action. The city is a member of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability.
The event will highlight “thinking globally and acting locally” specifically with respect to the programs in place and being developed by the city to reduce our carbon footprint and limit greenhouse gas emissions.
The event will take place on Wednesday, April 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room, at 177 First Street West. The event will include updates on the city’s programs in the areas of energy efficiency funding and Incentives, the city’s new green building ordinance, water conservation incentives and initiatives, and the Local Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, and will include time for questions and answers of city staff managing and implementing these programs.
The session is meant to complement ICLEI’s nationwide climate action conversation happening in more than 70 cities across the U.S. that day, and is intended to inform and inspire community members to take action on climate protection initiatives. The City of Sonoma’s National Conversation event is one of only twelve taking place in California that are registered with ICLEI, and one of two in Sonoma County being held on Earth Day.
More information and the list of cities can be found at
For more information regarding the event, contact Debra Rogers, Management Analyst, at 707.933.2218 or Linda Kelly, City Manager, at 707.933.2215.