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Cat's music spotlight

Local Natasha James is commemorating the release of her newest CD, “Tequila Time,” this Thursday, April 30 at the Last Day Saloon in Santa Rosa. Tequila Time is already celebrating its success by hitting number 19 on the California Roots charts. The albums on Roots Music Report are ranked by the number of record spins, coming directly from radio DJs.

The doors open at 7:30 p.m. for an 8 p.m. show at the saloon.  JL Stiles will perform first with ragtime and blues. The ever popular Dr. Joel Rudinow and Rude Notes Galore continues the show playing piano-based blues and rock ‘n’ roll in the style of New Orleans. The star of the night, of course is Natasha James with her band made up of Steve Evens on bass, Ian Lamson on guitar, Herman Eberitzsh on keyboard, with friends contributing on percussion including Rafael Padilla and Bobby Black.

The album is a mix of Americana, alternative country and blues. Natasha said she wanted to name the CD after her favorite song on the album, but changed her mind because, “Tequila Time is bouncier, and really, don’t we all wanna be south of the border livin’ on Tequila Time?”

The show is 21 and over. The first 20 people in the door will receive signed posters and photos as well as signed samplers of the CD. Tickets are available at the door, but there is a small discount for those purchasing in advance. You can pick up your ticket in person at The Last Day Saloon, Last Record Store, or Backdoor Records. Online, you can get them at  The Last Day Saloon serves food until 11 p.m. and if you want to get there early for the show, you can enjoy complimentary appetizers and discounted beverages from 4-7 p.m.

Since I feature a MySpace artist every week, it’s just appropriate that I feature Natasha this week, which can be found at The Last Day Saloon is located at 120 Fifth Street at Davis in Santa Rosa. For more information call 707.545.2343

For all the music news happening this weekend in Sonoma Valley and nearby, check out the full music column in Friday’s Sonoma Sun. Got a gig? E-mail Cat at