Monday afternoon’s fire completely destroyed the art studio belonging to local artist Dale Todd, 75. No one was injured in the blaze.
The fire is believed to have started in a shed located near the studio, according to Schell Vista Assistant Fire Chief Ray Mulas.
According to Todd, he had finished cutting the grass and parked the mower in the shed, a building with an aluminum floor. “I’d recently had the mower serviced at the John Deere shop up in Santa Rosa for some leaky hoses and such,” said Todd. “It was working fine but after I’d parked it and walked up front, I heard a boom and saw that the shed was on fire.”
It was just a matter of minutes before the fire spread to the studio, setting fire to 20 years’ worth of Todd’s work.
The studio, an unoccupied two-story barn-like structure contained close to 1,000 pieces of artwork including drawings and paintings. It was also home to a hobby shop, holding prototype electric cars and a vintage 1953 motorcycle. Todd was known for holding informal Thursday morning meetings of artists, who would gather to draw and paint.
Todd said that he will try and save what he can. Many drawings are wet but may be salvageable despite their charred edges. Todd is thankful that a few of his early paintings were stored in his home so escaped damage.
“Life goes on,” said Todd. “No one was hurt but the worst thing is losing 95 percent of my art which I can’t bring back. And it isn’t the value, it’s the loss of part of my life.”
Sonoma Valley and Schell-Vista fire departments responded to the 2:15 p.m. fire located on Hyde Road near Burndale Road. Firefighters from Kenwood, Glen Ellen and Sonoma County Fire services also responded to the blaze.