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Public Citizen

The religion of politics

The role of religion in American society waxes and wanes. I remember back in the 70s when Time Magazine unearthed Friedrich Nietzsche and famously declared “God is Dead” on its cover. Turns out the death of God was greatly exaggerated, as current events demonstrate. The... Continue

On whispering to flies

Everyone gets flies in the house from time to time, and we’re no exception. Sure, we’ve got screens on our windows but in one way or another, flies appear inside. Sometimes they find their way in from below, finding a hole or gap in the... Continue

Are we governable?

Despite an avalanche of laws, political systems, religious doctrine, and just plain ordinary human experience, humanity’s wildness persistently asserts itself. Our hopes and disappointments propel a fusillade of argument and criticism directed at the very institutions and leaders we’ve enabled. While it’s true that it’s... Continue

Firmness and flexibility

A strong wind Bamboo deeply bends and sways. In shifting shadows A robin sits, Undisturbed. The blustery storm of world events - violence in the Middle East, political conflict, cultural change, and so on - often feels like too much. Admittedly, I ain’t no robin.... Continue

Forget about death

In contrast to most of human history, present day western culture does not like to think seriously about death. This is not to say we aren't fascinated by it; the proliferation of films, books and television programs dealing with serial killers, zombies, and the apocalypse... Continue

Dishwasher Chess

The Pieces: Dirty cups, bowls, plates, platters, glasses, knives, forks, and spoons; an assortment of shapes of varying sizes that need to fill the rack space of the dishwasher. The Goal: Fit as many dirty dishes and utensils as possible in a fixed amount of... Continue

Biochemical me

Is the self physical or metaphysical? That is the question. The nature of self is hotly debated. Buddhist non-materialists consider the self to be a sustained hallucination, an opinion supported by some current-day neurologists who, despite all their attempts, cannot find a source of the... Continue

Finding time and space

Think about how strange yet ordinary are space and time, here and now. Neither can be held, or for that matter seen or heard, and yet both play an undeniably important role in everyday existence. In order to experience and use them, we’ve created tangible... Continue

On dying happy

There are as many ways of dying as there are of living. Often, they are the same. My father Norman, for example, was an anxious man.  He wanted to be in control always. We’d go out to eat dinner as a family and he’d make... Continue

Between sameness and difference

Life’s diversity numbers in the many millions, and yet no two living things are exactly alike; all are heterogeneous. This is as true of oak trees and squirrels as it is of people, but the heterogeneous minds of people, particularly, generate many differing opinions. Among... Continue