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Public Citizen

Thanksgiving – Thanksgetting

Setting aside the purely commercial aspects of harvest decorations and TV commercials featuring cute turkeys and cartoon characters in Puritan outfits, Thanksgiving's acknowledgment of earth's bounty and the value of kindness towards others is a welcome departure from our customary year-long celebration of acquiring more... Continue

Fast money, slow money and no money

In the world's economy there are only three types of money, fast, slow and no. Fast money is just that, credit which moves so quickly it requires the use of automated computer algorithms. At its extreme, fast money is circulating the globe, staying in sync... Continue

Coming to terms with Halloween

Try as we may to be blasé - making it the subject of horror movies, detective dramas, novels and so forth - the mystery of death remains humanity's primary conscious and unconscious preoccupation. The heart of philosophy and religion, not to mention Hollywood, "the great... Continue

Ebola Rising

Every new artifact of human culture generates a set of effects. The most predictable of these relate directly to the operation or impact of the artifact; for example, the invention of the automobile made the horse and buggy obsolete. Less obvious is its relationship to... Continue

Crazy wars of assassination

Countries have used a variety of excuses to go to war. Some cite the need for protection of people who speak their language, like Vladimir Putin is doing in the Ukraine or Adolph Hitler did before annexing the "Low Countries" adjacent to Germany in the... Continue

Infections, virus and hacking! Oh my!

It's interesting how medical terminology has been applied to the digital realm; after all, computers are just machines, right? Machines don't get sick and that's what we've always loved about them and why they've effectively replaced human beings as a labor force. Tractors don't get... Continue

The dawning of the age of aquarium

Back in the hippie-dippy days of the 20th century two things were a Big Deal: Hair and Astrology. Long-haired men faded as an issue when pattern baldness and changing fashion inevitably reduced their impact to statistically ordinary, and astrology - replaced by ecology - quietly... Continue

Oceanic Mercury

It was recently reported that the world's oceans now contain three times as much methyl mercury as they did before the industrial revolution. Oceanic mercury becomes highly toxic methyl mercury due to the chemical action of sea water, and methyl mercury causes cognitive impairment, sometimes... Continue

Why government is not a business

Our society is so permeated by commerce that business metaphors are regularly applied to non-business situations. Thus we "profit by experience," "calculate our losses," and "take stock in the situation." Another common phrase concerns "the business of government," but in addition to being metaphorical, it's... Continue

Not so Grimm Fairy Tales

Being a grandfather provides the opportunity to experience contemporary fairy-tale movies, and suffice to say, the stories have changed. The German fairy tales compiled by the Brothers Grimm were indeed quite grim; Sleeping Beauty, for example, included episodes of potential infanticide and cannibalism alongside the... Continue