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Public Citizen

21st century aether

Prior to 20th century physics, which established the dominance of Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity, the concept of an all-pervading invisible aether, the medium through which light, gravity and electromagnetism moved, was commonly accepted. Harkening back to ancient alchemy and natural philosophies dominant... Continue

Picky, picky, picky

My wife says I remind her of the story of the princess and the pea, the parable about making a big deal about nothing. It’s true I am a picky person, though I prefer to think of my self as discerning. That distinction notwithstanding, there... Continue

Maybe aliens from space will save us

9-11 is a special day for me because it is my birthday, but it’s not so pleasant for everyone else. The events of 9-11-2001 produced tremendous cultural trauma, and its powerful effects are still reverberating. Such trauma happens from time to time and it often... Continue

The contextual self

We live in a “me” world, where attention to self is a daily preoccupation. “I want this and you want that” is the basic functioning of contemporary society and we routinely go to sleep each night expecting to greet our “selves” the next morning. Our... Continue

Making peace becomes a crime

In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States recently ruled that any action which can be defined as “material support” to an organization deemed “terrorist” is a federal crime. Material support, says the court, includes discussion and/or consultation about non-violence or peace,... Continue

My life as a turnip

In the 1974 book Lives of a Cell, author Lewis Thomas paints a disarmingly sweet portrait of a single cell that all but imparts a charming personality upon a living thing so small it’s microscopic. The life of a single cell, one of 40 trillion... Continue

When bad words happen to good people

I attended a lecture today. The topic was Jews in the 21st Century, but it covered the 20th century as well. All told, it was not a bad talk, if a bit too long and somewhat repetitive. As it pertained to Israel, I found no... Continue

The end of the mailman

The handwriting is not on the wall; it’s on the computer, the cell phone, the tablet, Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In and Skype. Technology is rapidly making the mailman obsolete. Reflecting on this brings up memories of Al Zooks, the mailman of my suburban youth. As I... Continue

Stuff happens. Now what?

The answer is…more stuff! The continuity of existence is existence itself - an unbroken timeless non-event in which nothing is actually ever the same, and thus never changes. In essence, nothing happens continuously. This conundrum notwithstanding, from time to time most of us would like... Continue

Gathering of the clan

Dogs Howl. A pink twilight speaks of rain. The ground, dear one, Is always shaking. My wife’s sister and our niece were the first to join us a decade ago, moving to town four blocks northwest of us. It turns out she and her daughter... Continue