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The banking business

One of the many joys of being in the media business in a small community is the variety of opinions we hear on a broad range of issues. The latest stems from Sonoma Valley Bank’s proposal to increase its capital reserves through the issuance of... Continue

Where were the parents?

Awful news on Sunday, about young teenage children getting drunk late Saturday night and one or more of the boys assaulting the girl in the group. It appears a sordid mess, and we can’t help wondering, “Where were the parents?” The youngsters were in a... Continue

D.C. in winter

Now, there’s a locale to choose for a honeymoon. Like most of you readers, we expect, we spent much of Tuesday morning watching the spectacle in our nation’s capital. We remarked, of course, on the obvious – the transfer of authority in the world’s most... Continue

‘Here I am, to save the day!’

And Bullwinkle goes, “Me, Rocky – save me first!” Yes, we expect that dates us a little, though maybe readers will just assume we’re thinking of the recent movies and not the original TV cartoon. But we, like the cartoon characters, can become accustomed to... Continue

God help us!

Better that, than the Governor of New York. David Patterson, who holds that position, has proposed a tax in that state on soda pop, with the stated intent to curb people’s intake of that harmful substance. Patterson’s office attributes an epidemic of obesity to junk... Continue

2009 at a Glance

We know the prediction thing is not unique, and we accept the fact that we’re not particularly good at it (although we’re claiming a 70 percent success rate on our 2008 predictions). But we have fun! Peace and Prosperity No, unfortunately that’s not a prediction... Continue

What were they thinking?

We well remember the hard work that the Sonoma City Council expended just a year ago to formalize its process for financial assistance to local non-profits. Many meetings were spent, and much public comment taken, with the council finally deciding on a two-tier approach, looking... Continue

Merry Solstice!

We’re looking forward to the long “weekend” ahead, with Christmas on Thursday and many people taking “Boxing Day” off on Friday. Say, why not have Christmas on Thursday every year? The feds moved Abe’s birthday, and George’s (does that make them twins?), so why not... Continue

Tragedy at home

Sadness fills us following the death of Craig Von Dohlen, a Sonoma resident. We weren’t there, so we don’t know exactly what transpired, and we didn’t know the family, so we don’t know those dynamics, but the loss of a man’s life is cause for... Continue

Rich Gifts

You are rich. Yes, you, dear reader, and we, too. Being “rich” meant, in the classic formulation, lighting cigars with $100 bills. That is, having so much wealth we can waste it. While no one really lights cigars that way, consider that we do use... Continue