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Love blooms on the dance floor

Last Sunday, Little Switzerland turned their Polka night into a celebration for couples that had met or married at the location. Pictured are Roy and Brita Winslow, who were married in the courtyard at Little Switzerland. Photo by Dyann Espinosa Nearly 100 years before “Dancing... Continue

President of Prescott College to lecture in Sonoma

Dr. Dan Garvey, president of Arizona’s Prescott College, will speak on “Turning Point: The Next Generation” at the Sonoma Veterans Memorial Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 20. The lecture and subsequent conversation with the audience will be sponsored by the Sonoma Ecology Center and the CommonBond... Continue

Love, love, love

Approximate length of last night’s dream: 2 hours, Minutes took to forget 97% of it: 4, Minutes spent wishing I’d written it down: 4 The sky today makes me think about love. What is love? According to the dictionary, love is “a strong, warm feeling... Continue

Sonoma Valley Museum of Art

Submitted Photo On the first day of every November, hundreds of men, women and children converge on what looks like a festival transplanted from a small town in Mexico. Bright colors, mariachi music, spicy food, sweet treats, candles and marigolds flowers guide departed souls to... Continue

Oscar comes to Sonoma

The Leading Ladies are, (L to R) Carolyn Stone, Barbara Walkowski, Claudia Mendoza, Rosemary McNeely, Heather Kearsley Wolf, Stephanie Dunn and Anya Crain. Ladies not pictured, Deborah Emery, Therese Nugent, Karen Collins, Jean Arnold Sessions, Linda Viviani and Caryn Weiss. Photo by Ryan Lely/Sonoma Valley... Continue

Olivepalooza, here we come

Landmark Vineyards owners Michael and Mary Colhoun unveiled John Deere’s new tractors, the F-Series Orchard/Vineyard Tractor and the A-Series Nursery Greenhouse Tractor, which are designed to fit into tight rows without disturbing plants. Mike Colhoun is the great-great-great grandson of John Deere. Photo by Ryan... Continue

Forget your Valentine?

Forget your Valentine? Today is the day! But does your Jolly Green Goddess have a solution to rescue you! Cut flowers usually do the trick, but how about a blooming plant that will continue to bring joy to your special person? How about a plant... Continue

Reader wants to know when to breed her Bulldog

Dear Dr. Forsythe: What is a reactive Lymph Node? I took my dog to the vet because he had big swollen tennis ball-size lumps under his jaw. The vet thought he had cancer but the test came back “reactive nodes.” Now I’m not sure what... Continue