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Letters To The Editor

It’s not called “Trick or Trash”

Editor: To all the kids who came out “trick or treating.” What a fun evening. It was great to see you and your wonderful costumes and we really enjoyed being part of the crowd that collectively spends more than $2 billion on candy to indulge... Continue

Holes and bridges

Editor: It’s that time again for the County of Sonoma to get its Tattered Road Pot Hole Crews functioning and into high gear around here. Before the roads become a tire busting obstacle course (last year’s rainy season). And if they can fill the holes... Continue

Applauds cast of high school play

Editor: I had the good fortune to experience “The Migrant Farmworker’s Son” presented by the Sonoma Valley High School Drama Department. The production touched me on several levels: the courage and dedication of first time actors in a very sensitive and groundbreaking effort. The honesty,... Continue

Obama’s liberal agenda

Editor: Mr. Weinberger’s words convey a sense of hysteria. Not unlike Obama who urged a Hispanic audience to take on the “enemies.” (Heaven forbid, one speaks of Islamic terrorists so harshly.) No, Obama’s “enemies” are Americans who are not in lockstep with his liberal agenda.... Continue

Lauds blower moratorium

Editor: Your reporting of the action for a moratorium on the use of leaf blowers gave us the message we needed to hear. The City Council’s voting and the staff and CSEC research give those of us concerned renewed hope. Everyone who has attended the... Continue

Recession, depression or inflation?

Editor: The National Bureau of Economic Research committee has announced that the “Great Recession” ended back in June of 2009. I’m going to pause for a moment while you laugh, cry or react any way you see fit. The obvious fact is this, the recession... Continue

Farmers Market departure a win-win

Editor: The Sonoma County Certified Farmers’ Market Association has decided not to apply for a permit to return to the Sonoma Plaza next year. This was a business decision made by the association that has facilitated the nonprofit Tuesday night farmers market on the Plaza... Continue

Local Democrats support Barbose and Brown

Edotor: The Sonoma County Democratic Party has endorsed Mayor Steve Barbose and City Councilmember Ken Brown for Sonoma City Council in the November 2 election. “Ken Brown and Steve Barbose have shown true leadership on Sonoma’s City Council,” said Stephen Gale, Chair of the Sonoma... Continue

Thank you Dan, the Chevy man!

Editor: During the past few years, our economy has taken a hit in almost all areas. From estates to farms to car dealers and sadly, our schools, which leaves us scrambling for ways to earn money. One of the many ways the schools and sports... Continue

A tribute to Mike Kelly

Editor: Mike Kelly was a shining star. I know he is still here, twinkling, as he always did. My heart hurts.  The community will not be the same for me.  Mike was there for me in thick and thin, in hard and tough, in soft... Continue