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Letters To The Editor

Marriage is marriage regardless of who’s involved

Editor: I am writing in response to Mr. Roger Jack Young’s opinion that a marriage between same sex couples should be called something besides a marriage because it is different than what opposite sex couples have together. I am uncertain as to why Mr. Young... Continue

Hope but no change

Editor: It’s been suggested that the Republicans have a fair chance of taking over both the House of Representatives and the Senate in November. If that is true, yours truly, a life long conservative (not a Republican and yes, there is a difference), will not... Continue

Leaf blower ban not part of plan

Editor: I just wanted to update Sonoma on the status of a possible leaf blower ban following the lengthy and enormously disappointing Community Services and Environment Commission Public Forum last week. As a commission, (with the exception of my daughter Sarah who sits on the... Continue

Glen Ellen Fair returns in October

Editor: The Glen Ellen Fair is just around the corner on October 10, 2010.  The community has really rallied to make this fair extra special under the guidance of Mary Ann Carr.  It’s the 20th anniversary of the fair and will be filled with many food... Continue

Saying thank you

Editor: As part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s work to raise funds for blood cancer research and patient care programs, athletes from the Redwood Wine Country “Team in Training” participated in triathlons at Pacific Grove and Santa Cruz over the weekend of September 11... Continue

Marriage as defined

Editor: In response to Roger Jack Young my question is: why do you care?  How does it affect you, Roger Jack, if marriage is something that gay people want?  If you aren’t gay, what difference does it make to you what term is used to... Continue

Heeding Jeff Low’s words

Editor: The very same morning I read Dr. Low’s column in Thursday’s Sun I received a call from my doctor’s office regarding yet another referral to have a colonoscopy done. I’ve been putting it off for years, even going so far as arranging three appointments, only to... Continue

Heeding Jeff Low’s words

Editor: The very same morning I read Dr. Low’s column in Thursday’s Sun I received a call from my doctor’s office regarding yet another referral to have a colonoscopy done. I’ve been putting it off for years, even going so far as arranging three appointments, only to... Continue

The budget

The fight over how to bridge California’s $19 billion deficit has just set a disturbing record: the longest budget impasse in state history. As this slow motion train wreck has unfolded, thousands of you have contacted me and my staff to express your frustration and... Continue

Scouts celebrate centennial

Scouting, as sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America BSA, is wrapping up celebrating 100 years this year and is alive and well in Sonoma Valley.  Children from first grade through high school participate in various activities that build self-esteem, confidence, discipline, public speaking, and... Continue