Mayor deserves all the credit Editor: Thank you for acknowledging in your February 28 editorial the City Council’s creation of a new volunteer City Historian position, an idea which you credited to me. This idea was entirely that of Mayor Joanne Sanders, who brought the... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Liberal ideology consistent with accountability Editor: In response to the recent diatribe by a letter writer on the ills of liberalism, thanks for giving us all a fine example of the present-day oxymoron called “compassionate conservatism.” Leslie Sheridan Sonoma Editor: As a left-wing, bleeding-heart liberal,... Continue
Students brain-washed by system Editor: The Sonoma Sun’s “Our View” (Thursday, Feb. 7) begs the question: “Is the Sun a fair and objective local newspaper or is it a veiled liberal rag?” In discussing why a mock election at Sonoma Valley High School demonstrated overwhelmingly... Continue
Three views on “Just Joan” Editor: Every week I look forward to reading “Just Joan.” Her submission for Feb. 7 carried a message of truth so well told that it needs to be repeated as often as possible: Our president went to Israel, walked the... Continue
Police ignore driving laws already on the books Editors: Some time this year, the new law regarding cell phone use while driving will be enacted. There is also a law regarding text messaging while driving (which boggles the mind) in the works somewhere. My question... Continue
Hospital’s bond numbers accurate Editor: Before the Hospital Board’s successful vote to go forward with a $45 million bond proposal, which I generally support, I voiced a concern that the advertised annual property tax appeared to be too low to cover the debt service for... Continue
Reconsider Broadway site Editor: I remember when I first came to Sonoma Valley; I drove past the hospital and thought, “What in the heck is a hospital doing in the middle of a residential neighborhood?” I only recently stopped in at the hospital and noticed... Continue
More tips = better service? Editor: I, as a long time friend and co-bartender to Craig Browne, feel exactly the same, regarding Mr. Scanlon’s tip policy. Our first duty was to our employers and their customers. Where did Mr. Scanlon come up with the idea... Continue
Our rights and our neighborhood Editor: Recently, SVH board member Bill Boerum stated that the proposed “In the Neighborhood” hospital campus on the Carinalli property would improve our neighborhood. Assuming Mr. Boerum speaks on behalf of the board, I have requested clarification of his comment... Continue
Pandora’s box revisited Editor: Living directly across the street from the hospital, my family and I have more than just a casual interest in the future hospital’s site selection. Over the past ten years, we’ve put up with semis idling at 4 a.m., hospital employees... Continue