Cassandra of Greek mythology was blessed with the gift of prophecy and doomed by the curse that no one would ever believe her. Conservatives in California know just how she felt. California’s modern day Cassandras have repeatedly warned about the misuse and diversion of public... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Many people are saying there are too many tourists coming into Sonoma, and they are not the best. They are grapists. They're caterers and alcoholics, and some, I guess, are good people, but they all come here to live on winery welfare and vacation rentals.... Continue
One sign summed it up, “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I am changing the things I CANNOT accept.” Sonoma’s teens and supporting adults came out to the Plaza for the Global Climate Action School Strike on Friday 9/20 to protest... Continue
It’s stating the obvious to say the overwhelming and all-pervasive issue of our time is global warming/climate change. It’s repercussions and impacts will be planetary and most directly felt by the current generation of children and coming ones. That is why it was so disheartening... Continue
I respect the concerns of City Councilmembers and agree that it is inappropriate to include donor recognition at the Ting Memorial. The honor bestowed upon the Chinese laborers – who languished in anonymity for over a century – would be diminished by the presence of... Continue
Led by President Trump, Republicans have repeatedly been attacking Democrats as democratic socialists. Now, President Trump has leaped ahead calling for full-blown Soviet-style state socialism! A few days ago, he tweeted: “Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for alternatives to... Continue
The following letter has been sent to the Sonoma City Council: Request to the Sonoma City Council to vote to place a ballot measure on the March 2020 Primary Election or at the latest a ballot measure on the November 2020 General Election in order... Continue
Since an Urban Growth Boundary sets the stage for a comprehensive land-use plan, the Sonoma Valley Housing Group calls for a two-year extension of the exact same UGB and UGB language, and a concomitant inter-related discussion of the UGB and the General Plan. We support... Continue
I’ve heard from many constituents about how outraged you are at this latest round of gun violence. I share your outrage and I’m sick and tired of the indifference some in Washington feel toward this issue. Please know I remain focused on doing everything I... Continue
The Sonoma City Council will be considering a proposal to eliminate donor recognition at city property. The issue has come before the council as a consequence of donor bricks having been sold by the Sonoma Sister Cities, Penglai Committee to raise money to construct and... Continue