Farewell to Maxwell Park as we’ve known it for decades. On Feb 26, 2019 the supervisors will vote on the master plan which will forever transform the park. All the playing field lawns will be ripped up for plastic turf. Huge stadium lights will shine... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Reader opinion by Deborah A. Eppstein and Craig S. Harrison Last November, the world watched with horror as residents of Paradise tried to escape from an oncoming wildfire on clogged roads, some people so desperate that they abandoned their vehicles and fled on foot. Government can... Continue
Elizabeth Warren has proposed a tax on wealth, something that is long overdue. There has been no effective way of limiting the tendency of wealth to feed on itself, and that growth has now become explosive. Some of America’s richest families can now sit back,... Continue
My wife and I enjoy drives and walks on scenic country roads in our area. Sadly, there are some who dump garbage and debris alongside rural roads, rather than go to the trouble and expense of hauling it to an appropriate disposal site. This is... Continue
Does any one care that year after year for a few short days in January and February those who are observant may see a cute yellow biplane sweeping over certain hay fields along highway 37 and perhaps other places where hay is grown spraying toxic herbicides... Continue
I challenge you, Rep. Mike Thompson, to a debate -- again. I ran against you in 2018, and challenged you then, but you must not have received my letter, which I sent to all of your offices, or seen it printed in the newspaper, or... Continue
Deadly blazes are the new normal for our state, and this has reinvigorated discussion over how to address climate change. But besides a changing climate, California residents have begun to notice another pattern behind these infernos: the negligent, cost-cutting habits of California’s investor-owned utility, PG&E.... Continue
Haven or Heaven? English is my second language and I really didn't know. I had been confused and thought "Haven" was the same as "Heaven" ... until last year. When someone corrected me, then I said to myself: Wait a minute... maybe it is right.... Continue
I am perplexed by the assertion made by Mr Potter that workers with higher skill levels are needed in our area -- Sonoma Valley. The evidence seems to be that most jobs are in the Hospitality sector in our area. These jobs do require skill,... Continue
We deserve a 21st century, small hospital that meets our community’s needs. I am convinced our SVH leadership team has created a path to meet that objective. Before committing to support the current capital campaign financially and as campaign leaders, Marcia and I needed to... Continue