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Letters To The Editor

Don’t rate school only by test scores

I am saddened to read about poor student achievement in Sonoma Valley. I believe that this is because middle income families cannot afford to live in Sonoma, and those who can afford local market-rate housing often send their kids to private schools. Therefore our student... Continue

Sonoma officials must take responsibility

I was extremely grateful to learn that Toni Thompson resigned her position on the Design Review and Historic Preservation Commission. But her blaming the Sonoma Index-Tribune and stating that there was an “agenda to attack me” was outrageous! The newspaper was doing its job, informing... Continue

‘Common sense’ flaws in plan for new Sonoma hotel

I am writing to submit comments regarding the recent decision to advance the hotel construction project on Napa Street between 1st and 2nd Streets East.  I have lived in Sonoma for 20 years, and I actively participated in promoting Measure B; I also met with... Continue

Keep the homeless safe

Prior to my retirement from the Sonoma City Council, I served on the Continuum of Care board for approximately two years. While there were a variety of dedicated people involved, there were two glaring issues that led to my decision to leave that board. That... Continue

Things to know if you’re eligible for Medicare

If you are newly eligible for Medicare, your must choose between Traditional Medicare and a Medicare Advantage program which includes Kaiser.  Traditional Medicare was started in 1965 and it pays 80% of most medical services.  Most people purchase a supplemental insurance policy to cover the... Continue

Change of course needed at SDC

By Teri Shore -- In response to the large-scale development recently proposed by the State of California and its chosen developer for the historic campus at the Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC), more than two dozen community leaders and constituents from Sonoma Valley and across the... Continue

War on Prop. 13

Unicorns don’t exist in the real world and taxpayer heroes do not exist in the majority in the California Assembly. Despite warnings from a massive coalition of taxpayer advocates, real estate interests and business groups, 56 members of the California Legislature just passed two of... Continue

The wrong spot for new housing

Magical Thinking! The Arnold Drive corridor and unincorporated Sonoma County lack infrastructure, resources and opportunities to support the addition of 2,300+ new residences. In Susan Gorin's June 2023 email update, she stated that services "are not sufficiently accessible to vulnerable residents in the Sonoma Valley... Continue

Trailer parks last resort to homelessness 

With more frequency we are hearing about trailer parks that are in jeopardy and thus putting their residents at risk for homelessness. What is a solution? Governmental entities should purchase them and perhaps transfer operation to nonprofits. The state and counties are spending huge sums... Continue

Say no to Sonoma water rate hike

Most of us, within the Sonoma city limits, have recently received a letter advising of a Public Hearing to consider water rate increases. I urge everyone to protest the raise in water rates by writing a short note to: Sonoma City Clerk No.1  The Plaza Sonoma Ca... Continue