What is it with progressive politicians who believe that taxpayers won’t change their behavior because of tax policy? One would think that repeatedly seeing pie-in-the-sky revenue projections from big tax hikes that fall way short of reality would be a wake-up call. In trying to... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Recently at the Sonoma Valley Democrats board meeting, I learned a new word I had never heard before: astroturfing. It is defined as the “practice of creating the appearance of grassroots support for a position, as by hiring bloggers (or TV actors) to promote that... Continue
The West Napa Street traffic tie-ups are bad enough already. The coming “Hotel Project Sonoma” will worsen the condition exponentially. Regardless of current peer reviews and EIRs stating that a left-turn lane would not be required, it isn’t difficult to envision what will happen without... Continue
I’d like to put the “Illegal is illegal” letter to the editor the March 9 issue in legal and historical perspective. Most of us Americans of European ancestry don’t usually consider our own family history when addressing issues of immigration. Many immigrants misled authorities about... Continue
As Proposition 13 approaches its 39th birthday, it is still subject to the same dishonest attacks in the media that were used against it when it was on the ballot in 1978. Proposition 13 was one of the first victims of “fake news.” “The bigwigs... Continue
Consider this argument from Sacramento politicians: California’s roads, freeways and bridges are crumbling. Our spending on transportation is so seriously inadequate that a gas tax increase and other taxes are desperately needed to save California from ruin. If this sounds like the shrill arguments we... Continue
Because he is one of the owners of several North Bay newspapers, it was shocking to read Darius Anderson's article in the Feb. 28 issue of the SF Chronicle, where he claims that the Women’s March in Sonoma was filled with hate signs, many carried... Continue
Letter to the Sonoma Valley Unified School District My name is Martin Bennett, Co-Chair North Bay Jobs with Justice, I reside in the city of Sonoma and I have taught American and California history for 25 years at SRJC. I strongly support the resolution and policy... Continue
The Sonoma County Growers Alliance (SCGA) has stated its position on Measure A, the Sonoma County Cannabis Business Tax on Commercial Cannabis Business. SCGA opposes Measure A. We are working directly with industry leaders and our membership to develop a fair and equitable tax structure to benefit Sonoma... Continue
From Arturo Vargas, executive director, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials President Donald Trump presented his vision for the direction of our country in the coming months and four years. As Americans we can all support the President’s aim to build a ‘brighter... Continue