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Letters To The Editor

The 62-room hotel EIR is a joke

If you believe the developers’ poop about no traffic impacts of a 60-room hotel at the crossroads of West Napa Street (Hwy. 12) and First Street West then you deserve every wasted minute of your life sitting in its traffic. Dig it. This will be... Continue

The forest through the trees?

I applaud the Sonoma City Council for having the foresight and courage to set an example by adopting the “EverGreen” plan. Does this mean that each member of the council is truly dedicated to helping our environment? Or is this for some an easy, publicly... Continue

Measure V is common sense

I am supporting Measure V, as I believe it is a common sense compromise on the issue of leaf blowers. Years ago, I asked my gardener to quit using the leaf blower in my garden. I noticed that after my gardener left my property, there... Continue

DeSmet for SV School District

I am writing as the former trustee for the Sonoma Valley Unified School District, Sassarini area. I am supporting Gary DeSmet and I want to tell you why in very simple terms. • He supports Sassarini. He is on the ground there every week. His... Continue

Carter for Board of Education

Please consider Jason Carter for Sonoma County Board of Education, 1st District Trustee. Jason is a mature and thoughtful young man.  His entire personal and professional life revolves around supporting youth in reaching their education and career goals.  He dropped out of high school due to... Continue

Yamada for State Senate

I am pleased to write this letter in support of Mariko Yamada, who is a candidate for the State Senate in District 3.  I've followed her activities in the Assembly and have been impressed by her consistent advocacy for improvement of working conditions for farm... Continue

Supports school bonds

As a parent with children enrolled in Sonoma Valley schools, I’ve ​had the privilege to see first-hand the quality education available to local students. I have also witnessed the need for critical updates and repairs to our schools and campuses. If we want to provide our... Continue

Protect open space and farm land

As a small-scale certified organic farmer living in Sonoma Valley, I am in strong support of voting yes on Measure K to protect open space and farm lands. I grew up in Maryland surrounded by disappearing farm land. The fields and barns of my childhood showed... Continue

No need for noisy, irritating leaf blowers

What to do with all the leaves that Fall brings? They are certainly starting to accumulate in my yard/garden. I put them under plants, trees, rosebushes, and especially in the vegetable garden. During the winter the rains break down this matter and provide nutrition and... Continue

Measure V is civilized and neighborly

Many people don’t realize that under Sonoma’s current leaf blower ordinance, blowers are allowed from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. in mixed-use zones! I live in mixed-use, and work from home. My business calls are often disrupted by leaf blowers five feet from my office... Continue