Many people don’t realize that under Sonoma’s current leaf blower ordinance, blowers are allowed from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. in mixed-use zones! I live in mixed-use, and work from home. My business calls are often disrupted by leaf blowers five feet from my office... Continue
Letters To The Editor
We live in a mixed-use zone and often work from home. This is made extremely challenging with the roar of gas-powered leaf blowers that can start as early as 7 a.m. and go late into the night. One of us (recently retired) worked from home,... Continue
I am writing to kindly ask fellow Sonomans to vote Yes on Measure V. The City Council acted intelligently when they passed an ordinance that allows battery-powered leaf blowers, while prohibiting gas powered blowers. Voting Yes on Measure V reaffirms their common-sense decision. The three... Continue
This election season is unlike any other in recent memory. We don’t need divisiveness, we need direction and leadership. We need people to build bridges, not walls. Only by working together can we find real solutions to the challenges we face. Throughout my time in... Continue
Four propositions on the November ballot -- 51, 55, 56 and 58 -- if passed would benefit Sonoma County’s public school students. That’s why the Sonoma County Board of Education has unanimously endorsed them. Prop 51 provides $9 billion in bond funding for K-12 schools,... Continue
In response to the recent article by Gina Cuclis regarding the Sonoma Valley Grange Hall, there are a few items to clarify. While we have voted to move forward in creating a foundation to manage the hall and it's outreach in the community, we have... Continue
I recently had that urge to hang out in a favorite local haunt...maybe check out the current sale and pick up a new item to wear, visit with the staff or a friend who might be there shopping, see how the cards I make are... Continue
The Planning Department is recommending that City Council grant a waiver so that SAHA’s proposed plan (for affordable housing at 20269 Broadway) can sidestep a process designed to help government regulate growth. The rationale is that Sonoma is experiencing an affordable housing emergency and emergencies... Continue
The Sonoma Planning Commission and the City Council both had the opportunity to retain two apartments in the Sonoma Court Shops complex near the Plaza as long-term rentals. Both failed to do so, allowing these units to convert to vacation rentals. Why? Apparently, two Councilmembers... Continue
I received a notice from David Goodison, Sonoma City Planning Director, indicating that on Monday, September, 19, the City Council would consider whether to grant the 20269 Broadway affordable project a waiver to the processing restrictions of the Growth Management Ordinance. It read "...the Growth... Continue