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Letters To The Editor

The Supreme Court has run amok

The Supreme Court has run amok, and it’s time to get it under control. For the last year, we have witnessed scandal after scandal come out of the Supreme Court. And in the last month alone we’ve seen multiple breaking news stories about Clarence Thomas’s... Continue

Seeds of peace for Ukraine

Planting a garden such as Ukrainians might be planting at their homes in Kaniv, Sonoma’s sister city, we can feel attuned with them as they are living their lives as best they can in this time of war. Our friends in Kaniv are thrilled about... Continue

Why did Sonoma council stall dispensary process?

On April 19th I attended the City Council Meeting for the Second Cannabis Dispensary agenda item. As a member of the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group (SVCG), I wanted to be make sure that the City Council members were not going to stall again on their... Continue

School board needs bigger, better meeting room

Pre-pandemic, when a decision was made to move Sonoma Valley Unified School District board meetings from centrally located Sonoma City Council Chambers to the Railroad Avenue district offices, there was a major drop off in family attendance. For those of us attending district board meetings... Continue

Easter greetings from Kaniv, Ukraine

Dear Friends, Easter Holiday fills our hearts with truest kindness, love, and joy. This holiday is a symbol of going from death to life which in turn gives us hope for a spiritual and physical resurrection. So let everything that is beautiful on this Earth... Continue

Embracing Dunbar Elementary School: a tutor’s perspective

As volunteer tutors for Dunbar Elementary School, we visit the school each week providing individual students with reading support. Through our interactions at Dunbar we have a firsthand account of what an incredible school this is in the heart of Sonoma Valley. The love and... Continue

Kudos for Chorale’s ‘Irish Eyes’

Last Sunday I attended the “When Irish Eyes Are Shining” performance of the Sonoma Valley Chorale. It was sold-out and for good reason. These performers, many of them your neighbors, were magnificent under the direction of the chorale’s third excellent conductor, Travis Rogers. The hour... Continue

SV Schools should embrace smaller class size

The Sonoma Valley School Board Trustees are considering closing or repurposing five schools in the Sonoma Valley including Dunbar Elementary School -- the oldest school in the Valley and the second oldest school in California. As a substitute teacher in the Valley for many years,... Continue

The war against ‘woke’

What a choice, Pence or DeSantis for president in '24. It's like a choice of: How would you prefer to die, burned at the stake or drawn and quartered? Pence never spoke out about Trump's outrages for four years, except the once when he knew... Continue