(These comments were initially made to the Sonoma Valley Health District Board of Directors at its recent public meeting.) Hello my name is Linda Siemer. I am speaking here tonight on behalf of svhtransparency.com. This group obtained some information utilizing the California Public Records Act... Continue
Letters To The Editor
(This letter is in response to Supervisor Susan Gorin's recent column.) Let’s face it — Sonoma County is growing. It is one of the TOP vacation destinations in the WORLD. We should all be happy that we live in such a wonderful, and yes, growing... Continue
(This letter is in response to Supervisor Susan Gorin's recent column) Dear Supervisor Gorin, I appreciate your stance but one severe negative impact that seems to be lumped in with the impact on a community or neighborhood as a whole is the plight of the... Continue
Dear Editor, The County Supervisors would be very much mistaken if they were to read the major defeat of Measure A as a sign voters don’t think fixing the roads is a priority. I spent many weeks earlier in the year talking with Sonoma Valley... Continue
As California heads into our fourth and most critical year of drought, landscaping practices are undergoing more scrutiny in terms of how the care of lawns, gardens and parks use water, and how they contribute to the ever-increasing toxicity loads in the environment. If the... Continue
My firstborn son came into this world with a number of birth defects. After 46 trips to the OR for major and minor operations, he still struggles with compromised lungs. After his open-heart surgery, we learned we needed to move from our Colorado home to... Continue
Last Thursday Sonoma Developmental Center families received word that Sonoma Developmental Center would be fast tracked for closure. It remains to be seen if this announcement and the subsequent actions by those in Sacramento will shut down a movement led by Supervisor Susan Gorin to... Continue
Dear Editor: On June 17th, residents of the Sonoma Valley will begin engaging one another in the question of “what will we do about this housing crisis?” Members of El Verano Elementary School, the First United Methodist Church of Sonoma, and the North Bay Organizing... Continue
After studying the condition of our roads and what Measure A claims it will do, I’ve decided I’m voting in favor of Measure A. There is no question how badly our roads need fixing. The cost only increases exponentially every year we wait. This is a... Continue
It is with great sadness that I send you this response to the May 6, 2015 article by Nancy Gardner entitled Guest opinion: another view of the SDC. Thank you for respecting my point of view that represents SDC clients and my sister who has... Continue