Editor: Yes, once again I thought I'd chance walking in your lovely town and once again I was threatened with losing my life! A little aside if I may. The other day I met a lovely woman. After a bit she told me of her... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Dear Sonoma, Nothing unpeaceful as another Thursday morning, fixing a bottle for my 6 month old, There is a roar in the distance, someone is late for work, music barely audible above the roar of their exhaust pipes as they barely stop at the stop... Continue
Editor: I had the pleasure of attending a meeting sponsored by the Sonoma County Water Agency to hear their proposals about how to deal with the occasional flooding of 1st St. West along Depot Park. The purpose was to receive the public’s comments on their... Continue
Editor: I have walked in Maxwell Farms Regional Park with and without a dog for more than 25 years. I enjoy walking in the natural areas and down to Sonoma Creek. I watch birds and get some light exercise on the rustic trails among the... Continue
Tim Tesconi, executive director of the Sonoma County Farm Bureau, does a good job extolling the virtues and benefits of wine grape growing, but conveniently leaves out any of the myriad downsides. He begins and ends his prayer (“Thank God for the grapes”) and paean... Continue
Editor: A few nights ago, I called the CHP in reference to a driver, racing a truck with purple tail Lights, up and down local street, as I stood in my driveway talking with my neighbor about the driver a few minutes later, he decided... Continue
Please use your powerful influence to educate W-trams that the enormous installation they are proposing is unneeded and a waste of money. Recent roundabout practical technology suggests that a simple central small pivot around which the traffic flows is all that is needed. David Wills... Continue
We’ve heard, “too big to fail,” and its correlative, “too big to jail,” and now we’re hearing the inevitable, predictable warning, “it’s too dangerous to tell the truth.” If America reveals how its government tortured prisoners and how its government lied to them about it,... Continue
Editor: What if you knew the lives and future of 430 people in Sonoma were in jeopardy? What if you knew 900 acres of public land and property between Sonoma and Glen Ellen were endangered? Would you act? A Coalition to Save the Sonoma Developmental... Continue
Editor: I read Ben Boyce’s article in the Sun (10/13) recently and I have some things to point out. Why does this person even have a column in your paper? He is, in my opinion a far left progressive who only wants to further his... Continue