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Letters To The Editor

Failure to respect residents

Any Sonoma Resident who has ever wanted to bypass Highway 12 Traffic, has surely used Verano Ave, between 5th West and Highway 12. Maybe what they might not have realized is that, it cuts right through a residential Neighborhood. Yesterday, as I was coming home... Continue

Communication Breakdown

Editor: I am one of the directors in the production of Many Faces of Love being presented by Sonoma Stage Works at the SCC that was reviewed by Kira Catanzaro. Before the review came out I was interviewed by Kira over the phone while I... Continue

need a clear definition

Editor: Social justice, open borders, income equality and amnesty to name just some of the terms used by state and federal politicians in cahoots with journalists in the mass media, beg to be defined. I would like to know just what they, who employ those... Continue

Driving for FISH

Editor: Dear Editor. Each year FISH provides about 2500 rides to medically related appointments. It is a service we provide for our Sonoma Valley/Glen Ellen residents. Our ride requests are for local and out of town rides, covering requests for life sustaining doctor, dental, and... Continue

Normal Rockwell Lives

Editor: It is hard to believe you could go to an event in Sonoma that actually cost less than $5 bucks at the gate. Growing up in Upstate New York our family of seven boys and one girl was immersed in baseball our entire childhood... Continue

Response to Bob Edwards

Editor: The question at hand regarding dogs on the Montini Preserve is not about whether people have an impact on wildlife or nature or if there is poop in general. The City did not commission a study on that. The issue is whether dogs impact... Continue

Yes to Preserve

Editor: The City is proposing to amend the Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District Management Plan for the Montini Preserve to allow leashed dogs. According to the City’s own biological review, the impact of dogs on the Preserve’s wildlife and habitat will be wide-ranging and... Continue


Just finished reading Katy Byrne’s column about “death” in the Sun newspaper. I am in agreement with Katy that the deceased should be remembered in positive, happy and memorable ways. However, it does not preclude the fact that you should be in denial about how... Continue

Jack London Park vulnerable to fire

I am writing to you as your neighbor. Some of you know me from my winery, some of you know me from the community and many of you know me as a friend. But to all of you, I am truly your neighbor. I have... Continue

Joe Krovoza for Assembly!

Editor: Sonoma Valley voters should vote for Joe Krovoza for Assembly! Krovoza, a water resources attorney by training, is the only candidate endorsed by major environmental organizations including the Sierra Club, the California League of Conservation Voters, Clean Water Action, and Sonoma County Conservation Action.... Continue