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Letters To The Editor

Joe Krovoza for Assembly!

Editor: Sonoma Valley voters should vote for Joe Krovoza for Assembly! Krovoza, a water resources attorney by training, is the only candidate endorsed by major environmental organizations including the Sierra Club, the California League of Conservation Voters, Clean Water Action, and Sonoma County Conservation Action.... Continue

Additional History of Historic Race Car

Editor:Your article about the Vintage car festival featured the beautiful Shadow. The interview with Steven Earle was informative, but failed to mention that much of the car's history was in California. My late husband, Barry Evans, was the chief mechanic and Don Nichols from Salinas... Continue

Fair burden for city water use

Editor: The best and fairest way to implement city water conservation is by monitoring Russian River water use on a per capita basis of gallons per person per day (gpd). Rate structures have to penalize high use. This is the fairest way to allow citizens... Continue


Editor: I was most amazed with your tomato quiz on page 21, in the 4/24/14 edition. I chuckled over the very first true or false question. " Is the state vegetable of Arkansas." Here is an old saying I learned long ago... Knowledge tells us... Continue

Self-governing Oversight for Sonoma County Law Enforcement

Editor:Ever since the death of 13-year-old Andy Lopez, there has been uproar in the Santa Rosa community regarding oversight of police behavior. Deputy Gelhaus shot and killed eighth grader, Andy Lopez, after mistaking his toy BB gun for an AK-47 assault rifle on October 22nd.... Continue

Right On Ron

Editor: Ron Willis’ 4/10 Sun column about Vladimir Putin and the true believer right wing in the US was right on! The trouble with these folks is an adherence to an unreflective fundamentalist literalism, the same that we see with the right wing of Iran,... Continue

Jaime Love ED STA

Editor:You know how at the holidays, when you’re rushing around so much it takes a special moment to really get you into the spirit? But unwrap a long forgotten ornament, or see a little boy’s excitement over the latest Spiderman toy and bam! You’ve got... Continue

Don't shop at Pet Food Express

Editor: Please add my name to the list of those who do not want Pet Food Express in town. But they are coming because according to our City Planner, “As a retail use, they could go [next to] Sonoma Market without a use permit. The... Continue

Startling forgotten precedents revealed!

Editor: The city council, the chief and city staff may want to consider some alcohol related law already on the books. It appears that regulation, limitation, a numbers cap, and types of licenses have already been considered by the town fathers. In accordance with said... Continue