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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

‘Prescribed burn’ back on for June 4

If you detect smoke coming from the area of Grove Street west of Carriger on Friday, June 4, don't freak out -- a controlled burn is planned for the Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.  Carefully modernized and managed by Sonoma Ecology Center,... Continue

Social climbers

The hiking series Senior Saunters, like this outing at Sonoma Valley Regional Park, returns with guided, leisurely walks with friendly, older adults. A different County park each time, on mostly flat trails. All abilities welcome. COVID safe protocols in place. Free, but registration is required at Continue

Sonoma Library re-opens, launches Summer Reading program

Sonoma County Library, with a branch at 755 W. Napa St. in Sonoma, has re-opened at 50 percent capacity under its Express Services model.  There is no time limit for visits, which include: Browsing and checking out books, CDs, DVDs and more Computer use, including self-service... Continue

Student Spotlight: Christopher Rivas

For Christopher Rivas, who is about to graduate from Sonoma Valley High School, it has always been about being willing to put in the effort at school. His hard work is paying off with a full-ride scholarship to Santa Clara University to study Environmental Engineering. ... Continue

A year without knocking on doors

It’s been one year since Jehovah’s Witnesses adjusted their hallmark methods of sharing comfort and hope from the scriptures due to the pandemic. For many, the change from ringing doorbells and knocking on doors to making phone calls and writing letters expanded and invigorated their... Continue

Pets Lifeline finds its forever home

The gleaming new home of Pets Lifeline, an ultra-modern facility on the grounds of the old structure on Sonoma’s Eighth Street East, is a huge upgrade from the previous incarnation, a hodgepodge of sheds, a trailer, and chain link kennels. It has more space for... Continue

Hoof and mouth

A mixed herd of around 200 goats and sheep on the job at Maxwell Regional Park, nibbling away at poison oak, blackberry bushes and whatever else they can get their snoots into. The for-hire crew works within a fenced corral that is relocated around the... Continue

Small justice, random gaslighting, and more

Dominic Foppoli finally stepped down, in un-self-aware disgrace, as mayor of Windsor after being accused of sexual misconduct by at least seven women. One of them was Rachel Hundley, the former Sonoma city councilmember, who said he accosted her at a Sacramento hotel in 2015.... Continue