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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Coming up on Zoom

Monday, March 22, 6:30 p.m. Sonoma Valley Democrats General Meeting Featured speakers: Dr. Mary McDevitt, with information about California’s Assembly Bill 1400, the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act. Also, Gina Cuclis, president & Area One trustee, Sonoma County Board of Education, with an... Continue

A good time to be the tech guy

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the reliance and demand for tech services like never before, impacting just about every aspect of life and business, large and small. Some statistics say as much as 85 percent since the pandemic. And, among those who know this very... Continue

Readying to reopen

Charmian London is moving back to her House of Happy Walls.  Now a museum at Jack London State Park, the house was emptied in September of its displays and historic treasures. All the artifacts and mementos of life with her adventurous husband, packed in boxes... Continue

A place for Brandon

Phil, Margee, Ryan, and Emily Barmore at the spot along Fryer Creek they have picked out to place a memorial bench for their son and brother, Brandon. Four years ago, 17-year-old Brandon Barmore died in an accident while on a service trip to Nicaragua.  His... Continue

Three Sonoma artists on creating art in the era of Covid

Artists are solitary people. They don’t socialize during lunch breaks because there is no lunch break. Cocooned in quiet creative zones, they’ve had no complaints about recent stay-at-home directives; they were planning on it anyway.  By Jackie Lee | Sun Fine Arts I talked with... Continue

I am no less of a person

When I was born, there was a two percent chance of me living. I didn’t know at the time but there was a reason why, and I didn’t know until I was ten years old that I have an illness called Turner Syndrome. There is... Continue

The Sonoma Film Festival’s virtual reality

This year’s Sonoma International Film Festival opens March 24 with the event’s biggest roll-out ever on thousands of screens around the world.  Because of Covid and closed theatres, the festival is a virtual affair. But a state-of-the-art streaming platform makes the entire 120-plus movie program... Continue

Praxis Peace Institute’s March lectures

Prominent voices from the fields of progressive economics, evolutionary biology, and life-long social activism are featured in the next round of Zoom lectures presented by Sonoma’s Praxis Peace Institute.  All Events are on Zoom and a link is sent upon registration. Tickets: $20 general and... Continue