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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Cue the flying house

Cue the flying house. Replacing a home lost in the North Bay Wildfires of 2017, a custom prefabricated home -- assembled in Southern California and trucked to its Sonoma Valley construction site -- was installed in just two days this week along Napa Road near... Continue

The steady campaign to vaccinate Sonoma County’s ag workers

A campaign to vaccinate all essential workers from Sonoma County’s agriculture, vineyard and winery sectors is up to about 70% of its coverage goal.  Now in its fifth week of operation, the program has vaccinated and scheduled vaccination appointments for more than 8,300 essential workers.... Continue

Delay in vaccine shipments cause clinic delays, schedule changes

Both Sonoma Valley COVID-19 vaccination sites were among those forced to cancel service due to weather-related delays in vaccine delivery, but the shipments are back on track and the schedule has been upated. Open self-register clinics will continue to be posted at To receive information... Continue

Suspect arrested for Sonoma Valley arson spree

Cops believe that the Sonoma woman arrested Wednesday for setting fire to her own car is also suspected of three other recent cases of arson. Renee Ruth Fitzhugh, a 36, was arrested after deputies responded to reports of a car fire on Polley Lane in... Continue

Beyond the chaos, into the bliss

By Audrey Krafft | Special to The Sun -- Is there a time in your life you recall feeling so connected to the moment that you felt completely free from any fear or responsibility? Maybe you were standing in front of the ocean on a... Continue

Sonoma kids are curious about: weather

Each week on her KSVY radio show, host  Cat Smith grills a local expert with questions submitted by Sonoma Valley kids. This time,  Patrick Zahn and Jeff Beamish, of Sonoma Technology, face the young panel. Maya, age 10, asks could it ever snow in Sonoma?... Continue

Tips for parents with distance-learning kids

Getting kids involved in making small gestures of caring and nurturing, and away from screens and electronics, is a great way to focus on positivity. By Leslie Nicholson | Sonoma Valley Sun Turning the calendar to February this year means we are one month closer... Continue

Live theatre, with a Covid-age twist

Sonoma Arts Live has mounted its first piece of live theatre in over a year with Pinky, a play by David Templeton. The pandemic-era twist: the show will be streamed live, with a new evening performance each night February 19-21.  The tale of an oddball... Continue

Newsom’s $9 billion plan to aid low-income Californians

Governor Newsom today announced two immediate action items in his 2021-22 State Budget proposal to help low-income Californians hard-hit by the Covid pandemic.  First, the Golden State Stimulus would provide a $600 rapid cash support directly to roughly four million low-income Californians who, coupled with federal... Continue

On the high school farm, it was birth by Zoom

Janice the ewe gave birth to twin lambs on as Sonoma Valley High's ag students watched over Zoom. Jessica Hamilton (above) set up her laptop in the pen and offered live commentary and instruction on parturition for all 165 students in the ag program. The... Continue