The Sonoma Stompers baseball season begins June 1, but first, the players need a good night’s rest. In a longstanding and honored part of professional baseball, the team is looking for host families for its ballplayers through the summer season. Host families are needed to... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
The year's first large outdoor events on Sonoma Plaza will test the City's new ban on Single Use Plastic, such as water and beverage containers. Under the rule that went effect this year, vendors will no longer be allowed sell beverages in Single Use Plastic... Continue
Sun, a nice breeze, two feet of water... It was a beautiful day for a sailboat race. The Jack London Yacht Club held the inaugural Jack to Jack race on April 27, loosing some 35 tiny yachts down Sonoma Creek, each a replica of Jack... Continue
Author Rebecca Lawton will present her new book, The Oasis This Time, at Readers' Books on May 1. The event begins with a reception at 6:30 followed by reading at 7 p.m. A former Springs resident, Lawton worked for many years at Sonoma Ecology Center.... Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital has received Acute Stroke Ready certification from the Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality (CIHQ). Certification is given to hospitals that meet high standards of care for the initial treatment of stroke patients when quick action and proper medication can save lives... Continue
At the April 1 meeting of Sonoma's City Council, City Manager Cathy Capriola reported that accounting software purchased from Springbrook in 2013 was never fully installed, and that staff turnover, lack of training, and the press of daily operations are reasons why it is currently... Continue
During the recent Association of Fundraising Professionals’ (AFP) annual international conference, I had the opportunity to have a quiet dinner with my dear friend and colleague Robbe Healey, former Chair of the Board of Directors of AFP, who now chairs the AFP International Ethics Committee.... Continue
Properties in the City of Sonoma and Sonoma Valley are being bought, sold, and accumulated in unprecedented ways. Recent reports of one couple spending 80 million dollars accumulating 22 properties is a current example, and this follows on the heels of another developer's acquisition and... Continue
About how much screen time do you average every day? Tyler Coryel “Well, my Xbox and iPad were taken away a couple years ago because of my bad behavior. So I get to play on my mom and dad's phone a little bit. I'm... Continue
How old are you? I’m 29. Where were you born? In Guadalajara, Mexico in 1989. My parents brought my four older sisters and me to the U.S. when I was around three. Did they come straight to Sonoma? No, first we moved to... Continue