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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Glen Ellen manhunt lands two suspects, stolen car

A suspect who jumped from a moving stolen car during a police chase was found after a two-hour search of a Glen Ellen neighborhood involving a Sheriff's helicopter and canine units. Zachary Stovall, 23, of Clearlake, was apprehended and arrested without incident in a backyard... Continue

Crescent Montessori primary class to continue

The founder and director of Sonoma’s Crescent Montessori School, Karin Niehoff, is retiring after 40 years of teaching, to focus on her art. While the upper level classes have been discontinued, the school’s Primary class will remain, returning to the school’s original configuration. The class is... Continue

Ringing in the grapes

The first grape pick of the season -- about 20 tons of Pinot Noir from Sangiacomo Family Vineyards  -- is celebrated with a bell-ringing Wednesday at the Sonoma Mission. The ringing in of the 2018 harvest was commemorated by growers, vintners, the local wine community, first responders, and local... Continue

Guest Editorial: Journalists are not ‘the enemy of the people’

Answering a call last week from The Boston Globe, we join hundreds of newspapers, from large metro-area dailies to small local weeklies, to remind readers of the value of America’s free press. These editorials together affirm a fundamental American institution. If you haven’t already, please subscribe... Continue

Back to school — homeschool style

  [caption id="attachment_82289" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Sonoma's Halloran family on a visit this summer to Berkeley's Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. From left are Harvey, Audrey, friend Ryan Crawford, Fred, Drew, and mom Belinda Halloran.[/caption] By Sarah Ford | From The Sun archives (Aug., 2017) -- “Back... Continue

New principal for Sonoma Valley High School

Sonoma Valley Unified School District has named Justin Mori the principal of Sonoma Valley High School beginning with the 2018-2019 school year. Mori has been the principal at San Jose Intermediate School with Novato Unified School District since 2012. Before that, he served as assistant... Continue

Planning for the next generation

By Teri Shore | Special to The Sun The City of Sonoma recently took the first step toward planning for the next generation. The Planning Commission discussed the need to review and revise the blueprint for how the town looks and feels, known as the... Continue

Meeting topic: Springs Specific Plan

What's the future of the Springs? Much will be determined by the Springs Sonoma Plan, a document being formulated now by the County -- with public input. The plan is the topic of the August 16 meeting of the Springs Community Alliance, 7:00 - 8:30... Continue