The former Crisp bakery, the West Napa Street shop that's been operating somewhat generically since it changed ownership hands in January, has been officially rechristened Honey & the Moon Coffee and Bakeshop. The storefront at West Napa specializes in freshly baked classic pastries and sweets. “We... Continue
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More than 70 years after leaving a Japanese internment camp, a Sonoma woman is moved to share her tragic story of hysteria, prejudice, and politics. By Loretta Carpio Carr. Standing on the high desert of Tule Lake Only the wind blows The plaintive sounds... Continue
Reader opinion by Chis Petlock I am keenly interested in the budget of the City of Sonoma because I caught the city cheating--millions being bilked from Sonoma water ratepayers over the years. City officials play down the issue, calling it a “mistake” or suggesting it... Continue
Can you spot where these photos were taken? Answers below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Where was it taken? 1) The old and abandoned Sonoma Auto building at MacArthur and Broadway in Sonoma. 2) Nathanson Creek Preserve, a pocket park on East... Continue
Where did you grow up, Byron? I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida, the third of three children of working parents. I hated Jacksonville, and in 1968 when I was fourteen, though I looked older, I began working at my aunt and uncle's 24-hour diner in... Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital is going out of the baby business. Its board, confronting an overall $3.2 million budget deficit, voted to close the obstetrics department within two months. The move will save about half a million this fiscal year, principally by cutting 7.5 full-time equivalent... Continue
The Sonoma City Council decided Tuesday not to place a certified pro-cannabis petition on the November ballot, opting instead to study the impacts of the dispensary business on the town. The timing of the decision means the proposed ordinance, which would have allowed the retail... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Hospital will decide Wednesday night if the facility should eliminate its obstetrics department, a cost-cutting move recommended by CEO Kelly Mather. A second big vote, whether to cut the hospital’s Skilled Nursing Facility, has been dropped from the agenda due to “strong... Continue
[caption id="attachment_89235" align="alignright" width="420"] The Nuns Wildfire not only destroyed the house but also the bridge that served as the only means of access. This is just one of the challenging properties that remains to be cleared of debris. The Corps, under the direction of... Continue