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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Pool group will sell Verano Ave site, seek new land

[caption id="attachment_63591" align="aligncenter" width="420"] From Sonoma Splash, an early rendering of a proposed outdoor pool for the Verano property.[/caption] The nonprofit behind the effort to build a community pool on Verano Avenue will instead sell the six-acre property and look for a new location somewhere in... Continue

Museum execs make case for name change

Statement of Sonoma Valley Museum of Art executive director, president and board of directors on the members’  April 30th decision on 'our name for the future.' Back in 1999, a small and dedicated group of Sonoma residents founded an art museum in Sonoma and named it... Continue

Photo quiz: Where in Sonoma?

Do you know where this photo was taken? The answer's in this week's edition of The Sun, out now. Look for it at Sonoma Market, Broadway Market, each post office, Peet's, Sebastiani Theatre, Readers' Books, salons and shops... all over. Can't find it? Call 707.933.0101. Do you... Continue

At SV Hospital, new services mean new revenue

How does a rural hospital survive and thrive in a very tough marketplace? For Sonoma Valley Hospital, the strategy involves greatly expanding – and then effectively marketing – the services it offers. While the goal is to provide community members with access to a wide range... Continue

Remembering Columbine

Students from Sonoma Valley High School marched up Broadway and held a rally in the Plaza Pavilion on April 20 -- the 19th anniversary of the Columbine school shooting that killed 13 people. “We are here not only to protest gun violence but also to... Continue

Why we marched: Sonoma teens on their Washington protest

A group of 13 Sonoma Valley High School  students journeyed to Washington, DC last month to join fellow teens for the March For Our Lives to protest gun violence. "It was an outstanding experience to be surrounded by 800,000 other like-minded individuals who were passionate about gun... Continue

Search for new SV High School principal moving forward

The hiring process for a new Sonoma Valley High School principal is underway, with a public forum with selected candidates set for May 9. This "round one" Q and A will be followed by private interviews with the resulting finalists on May 16. The final selection... Continue

Sonoma resident, Nepali pop star, American citizen

Nalina Chitrakar is a Sonoma resident, an activist, a pop star in her native Nepal and, as of this morning, an American citizen. She was sworn in, along with 1,000 others, at a ceremony Thursday at Oakland’s Paramount Theater. The entertainer, 44, has won many international... Continue