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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Report: Wildfires caused by power lines

The state firefighting agency said Friday that downed PG&E power lines caused 12 Northern California wildfires in October, including the major Sonoma Valley blaze. The cause of the deadly Tubbs fire, which ravaged Santa Rosa’s Coffey Park neighborhood, is still under investigation. According to Cal... Continue

What’s on your bucket list?

By now everyone has heard bucket lists: the unfinished business of our lives and what we want to accomplish while we can. Maybe it's a good time to explore the unfinished bits that we've longed to express. There are many benefits from exploring what we'd... Continue

Free range sculpture

The Sonoma Valley Museum of Art opens a second season of public art in Sonoma Plaza this summer with the official unveiling of outdoor sculpture on Friday, June 8, at 5:50 p.m. The exhibition “Natural Affinity: California Women Sculptors in the Landscape” features works by Gwynn... Continue

Heat on PG&E as fire investigations continue

By Dan de la Torre The October fires in Sonoma and Napa counties claimed the lives of over 40 people; thousands of homes and structures were destroyed. The process of clean up and rebuilding subsequently began, but the aftermath of the tragedy has sparked new... Continue

Election notes, Tuesday fire wrap, and blanket coverage

The new Sonoma County Sheriff will be the force’s Capt. Mark Essick, who had the endorsement of outgoing Chief Rob Giordano, elected Tuesday with 57 percent of the vote. Former Los Angeles police Capt. and station manager John Mutz had 25 percent and Santa Rosa... Continue

Petitioning for legal cannabis

Jon Early delivers to City Hall signed petitions backing a ballot measure allowing the controlled retail sale of cannabis within city limits. The campaign collected 793 signatures, above the 695 (10% of registered voters) required by law. The city now has 30 business days to... Continue

UPDATE: Evacuation canceled for Fremont Drive/Hwy 12 fire area

Sheriff's Alert, 3 p.m. EVACUATION LIFTED, ALL CLEAR Sheriff's Alert, 1:04 p.m. "Everyone within a half-mile radius of 1180 Fremont Drive, Sonoma, must evacuate now.  There is a large 3-alarm fire at 1180 Fremont Drive.  If you are not in the area, please avoid the area to... Continue

Sonoma police chief to retire

After a 28-year career with the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, the last 11 as chief of police for the city of Sonoma, Bret Sackett, has announced his plans to retire. Currently the longest serving police chief in the county, Sackett will step down in July. “I... Continue

Arrests made in alleged ride-share rape

An extensive review of cell phone data and surveillance video, including images from the Golden Gate Bridge and local businesses, has led to the arrests of two men for the sexual assault of a woman kidnapped in San Francisco and driven to Sonoma. This incident... Continue

Library Board seeks new members

The Sonoma Valley Library Advisory Board is accepting applications to fill two vacancies. There is one opening for a resident of the Sonoma Valley and one opening for a youth member in grades 9-12. Applications are available on the Sonoma County Library website,, and... Continue