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Local Sonoma Valley News:

A kidney for Marcie

If Wonder Woman had a Sonoma clone, her name would be Marcie Becker Waldron. But even action figures wear out, and Marcie’s no different. In 1997, after years of kidney failure and subsequent dialysis, Marcie was given a new kidney. Being an organ recipient not... Continue

Popular Sonoma trail set for major repairs

Sonoma Overlook Trail is getting a make-over. An extensive 14-week rehabilitation project will begin June 17, closing the popular trail to the public until mid-September. “The trail had less than 5,000 visits per year when it was first put in,” said Joanna Kemper, co-chair of the all-volunteer... Continue

Cops snag Sonoma burglary suspects

Deputies from the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office arrested a Sonoma Valley couple accused of committing a commercial burglary on 8th Street East. The incident began this morning shortly after 2 a.m when an alert deputy spotted a white Nissan Altima backed into the driveway of The Rental Place located... Continue

In case of emergency

Congressman Mike Thompson presents Julie Atwood with a Congressional Recognition Certificate, one of many honors bestowed at The HALTER Community Preparedness Awards in Santa Rosa. The 4th Home & Ranch Readiness Day ended with a gala evening, “The HALTER Community Preparedness Awards”, at the Sonoma... Continue

Arts grants for three Valley youth programs

[caption id="attachment_88378" align="aligncenter" width="420"] The Valley Vibes Youth Orchestra[/caption] Three Sonoma Valley nonprofits are among 15 recipients of Arts Education Innovation Grants totaling $88,000 to fund innovative arts education programs serving students in the County who may have limited access to arts training. The grants... Continue

Mental health evaluation ordered for man charged in car wash shooting

[caption id="attachment_88351" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Ryan Joseph Pritel, 20, is charged with attempted murder.[/caption] Criminal proceedings were suspended this afternoon against a Sonoma man charged with the attempted shooting murder of a sheriff's deputy last weekend pending a mental competence evaluation. Ryan Joseph Pritel, 20, was arraigned in... Continue

Attempted murder charge in Sonoma car wash shooting

[caption id="attachment_88351" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Ryan Joseph Pritel, 20, is charged with attempted murder.[/caption] Sonoma County sheriff's deputies arrested a man suspected of shooting and wounding a deputy at a Sonoma Valley car wash this morning. Ryan Joseph Pritel, a 20-year-old Sonoma resident, was arrested for attempted... Continue

Honoring the heroes of community preparedness

[caption id="attachment_88334" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Rancher Julie Atwood founded the Horse and Livestock Team Emergency Response Project (HALTER), which sponsors training seminars for first responders and veterinarians, like this one using a life-size horse mannequin, at her Glen Ellen Ranch.[/caption] To recognize individuals, organizations, agencies, and... Continue

Artist and artisan, painter and baker

    [caption id="attachment_88262" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Keith Wicks creates a plein air portrait of Mike Zakowski, “Mike the Baker,” at Sonoma’s Tuesday Night Farmers Market.[/caption]   By Jonah Raskin | Special to The Sun It wasn’t exactly love at first sight, but it was something... Continue