Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley has promoted Cary Leigh Dacy to its top spot of president and CEO. Dacy had been the organization’s Director of Development & Marketing since 2016. She succeeds CEO Robert Hughes, who announced his retirement in December of 2017 after... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Sonoma Valley Hospital plans to partner with UCSF Health to form an integrated health care network to serve Sonoma Valley residents. “This agreement, with its close ties to a world-class health care system, strengthens our ability to serve our community, including providing access to the... Continue
Marcelo Defreitas, president of the Board of Directors for La Luz, is Sonoma’s Honorary Alcalde for 2018, the City’s annual honor for community service and leadership. The tradition began in 1975 when the City Council established the Honorary Alcalde (the Spanish word for Mayor) as... Continue
Sonoma Valley High School is looking for volunteers to help senior students edit their Senior Project Research Papers. Volunteers ware needed February 5-23. Sessions are 40 minutes in length, weekdays (except Wednesday) from 11:45 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. Volunteers will be trained by SVHS teacher... Continue
[caption id="attachment_86080" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Developer Bill Jasper wants to build three homes on the Sonoma hillside to the west of Fourth Street East at Brazil Street.[/caption] The City of Sonoma has postponed a permit hearing after receiving a letter contesting the appeal of a residential... Continue
The County of Sonoma has created an office to help homeowners minimize the bureaucratic hassle of post-fire rebuilding. will open February 13. “We want to be a partner to fire survivors, not a roadblock,” said Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Chair James Gore, "(to) help people... Continue
Team members of Napa’s In-Shape Health Club present a $5,000 donation to the Community Foundation of Sonoma County, money raised after the fires from sales of "Attitude of Gratitude" t-shirts. An additional $5,000 was presented to Napa Valley Community Foundation. All 70 statewide In-Shape Health... Continue
So you have lived at The Haven? Yes. It was the turning point for me. In March 2015 we had nothing left and nowhere to go. The other shelters split families up. But The Haven took me, my wife and our teenage son in... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation has named Nancy Lilly and Maggie Haywood the recipients of its annual Pulse Award, awarded each year to outstanding Sonoma Valley women who have made significant contributions to the community through volunteerism and philanthropy. “Our two honorees exemplify the generous and... Continue
By Kari Wishingrad | Sonoma Valley Sun A new year seems to always bring optimistic energy for creating a more satisfying, rewarding and joyous life for the days and months to come. How is it going for you so far? Have you made a list... Continue