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Local Sonoma Valley News:

The solar eclipse as seen from Sonoma

El Verano resident Mary-Ann Shafer captured these pictures of the April 8 eclipse from her deck. She took the series on her camera, and the multicolored image was taken on her iPhone. The retired MD made sure all in her household were prepared to view... Continue

City of Sonoma announces Discretionary Funding initiative

In a proactive move to establish transparency and fairness, the City of Sonoma is proud to announce the launch of its new online Discretionary Funding Application. This initiative aims to streamline the process for organizations seeking funding from the Council Discretionary Use Funding within the... Continue

Hanna Center Celebrates 75 years in Sonoma with silent auction

Since 1945, Hanna has walked with more than 4,000 youth on their healing journeys. In recognition of this momentous anniversary, they are bringing together youth, staff members, and incredible supporters for a special celebration on Saturday, April 20th, for a sparkling evening of inspiring stories,... Continue

PG&E Climate Credits coming this month

PG&E customers should be on the lookout for a credit on their April, 2024 invoice, one of two provided to ratepayers each year. The PG&E climate credit provides ratepayers with their share of the benefits of California’s Cap-and-Trade Program. Usually, these credits are distributed twice... Continue

Here comes the roundabout

After decades of discussion, the blinking red light at the intersection of Hwy 121 and Hwy 116 will be replaced by a $27 million roundabout. CalTrans estimates it will be completed in 2026. Intended to provide smoother traffic flow at the busy intersection and reduce... Continue

Sonoma’s new Alcalde, Wayne Schake

Mayor of Sonoma John Gurney welcomed a crowd of over a hundred gathered at Vintage House on March 26 to celebrate Wayne Schake as the 2024 Alcalde, the honorary mayor of Sonoma. Of the 48 Alcaldes selected since 1976, a few were present to witness... Continue

Sewer rates rising 6% in Sonoma Valley?

An annual proposed average increase of $6.33 per month is coming to rate payers served by the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District if approved, resulting in a 6% increase. In their recent report and notice to ratepayers, the district notes that “as water quality regulations... Continue

Golden Gate Bridge toll going up, up, up

Toll for crossing the Golden Gate Bridge is increasing this July to $9.25, and will increase by fifty-cents for each of the next four years, topping out at $11. These increases were approved by the GG Bridge Board of Directors to cover the increasing cost... Continue

Fiber art exhibition at the library

The Sonoma Valley Regional Library is hosting an exhibition of fiber arts by the Wine Country Rug Hooker’s Guild in April. The public is invited to a reception on Friday April 5, 2024 from 4 to 5:30 PM in the library’s forum room.  Light refreshments... Continue