Thomas Evans Bowser, 81, of Sonoma, passed away February 11, 2017. Helen L. Britton, 90, of Sonoma, passed away February 13, 2017. Wayne Chapman, 89, of Sonoma, passed away February 6, 2017. Inger Mejlhede Conrad, 88, of Sonoma, passed away February 24, 2017. Ilse Anna... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
A Wednesday rally on Sonoma Plaza will recognize A Day Without Women, a national initiative of the organizers of January’s Women's March. The 11 a.m. event on March 8 will underscore women’s economic worth while protesting “the economic injustices women and gender nonconforming people continue to... Continue
With a unanimous vote, the Sonoma Valley Unified School District on February 28 affirmed by resolution “A commitment to safe schools, honoring the civil rights and dignity for all.” Superintendent Louann Carlomagno said the special meeting was called after reviewing comments from community members on... Continue
The driver of a pickup fled from a traffic stop in Schellville about 1:30 this morning and lead deputies on a high-speed chase ending when the truck pulled over in the Temelec subdivision. According to a Sonoma County Sheriff's Department report, Lonnie VanWinkle 57, of El Verano, failed... Continue
The Sonoma man convicted of murdering a 64-year old man whose body was found in a barrel in front of City Hall has been sentenced to 36 years to life in state prison. Michael McNatt, 42, had been convicted of second degree murder with a deadly... Continue
Residents of Sonoma Valley will learn how they can help those targeted by President Trump’s deportation orders at a “Know Your Rights” event next Tuesday night, March 7. “We invite you to learn how to help and protect our community during immigration raids,” says the... Continue
At the 2/22/17 City Council meeting, during initial public comment, resident Chris Petlock made a short presentation about some questions he has about Sonoma city water rates and fund transfers. According to Petlock’s research, City water customers are paying approximately 20% more for their water... Continue
Some of the first artists to join the Arts Guild of Sonoma when it began in 1977 will be featured this month in a 40th anniversary exhibition at the West Napa Street gallery. The show opens with a reception on Friday, March 3 from 5... Continue
Given the changes in immigration policy it is important for citizens and non-citizens like in Sonoma Valley to fully understand the rights granted to them by law. Here's an explanation from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center: From: Immigrant Legal Resource Center Re: Know Your Rights... Continue
At its meeting of Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 6:30 p.m, in Altamira Middle School Library, the Sonoma Valley School District Board of Trustees will consider the a Draft Resolution for Safe Schools. The resolution is titled: “ A RESOLUTION IN RECOGNITION OF A COMMITMENT TO SAFE SCHOOLS, HONORING... Continue